Sample Invitation to Interview

Dear Sue,

We’d like the opportunity to interview you for a Learning Assistant position within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. We are hiring new and returning LAs for CHEM 1111 in the Fall 2009 semester and hope that you are still interested in the position!

First, please be sure that your Fall 2009 schedule fits with the following time requirements. Each week you’ll need to be available to attend:

  1. One CHEM 1111 lecture section (MWF 8-9 or MWF 11-12).

  2. Three CHEM 1111 recitation sections, which generally meet MTWThF 1-1:50; TTh 8-8:50 a.m.; T 3:30 – 4:20.

  3. One joint TA/LA recitation meeting, either Friday 1-1:50 or Thursday afternoon or evening (time still needs to be decided).

  4. All new LAs enroll in one section of EDUC 4610. Section 001 meets Tuesdays 6 – 8 p.m. Section 002 meets on Wednesdays 6-8 p.m.

In addition, new LAs are required to attend an all-day LA Orientation on Friday, January 13, 2009.

We will be conducting interviews for these positions starting tomorrow (Tuesday). Our available times are provided below. Please let me know your top FOUR half-hour blocks that work with your schedule.

Tuesday, April 14: 10 – 3

Wednesday, April 15: 9 – noon; 1 – 5

Thursday, April 16: 9 – 12:30; 2 – 5

Friday, April 17: 9 – noon

Once we have heard back from several candidates, we will begin to schedule interviews. We ask that you bring a copy of your Fall 2009 schedule to the interview (one that we can keep in our files).

We look forward to hearing back from you!

Take care,

Laurie Langdon, Robert Parson, Susan Hendrickson