Sample Interview Questions / Protocols

[Excerpts from various interview protocols used in Chemistry. Use what’s useful.]

Up front: mention this is a competitive position—interviewing 16 new candidates for 8 – 10 positions. If not hired, encourage to apply again.

Then, questions / elaboration from application. Then, some questions from below.

I’d like to know more about your experience as a student, and your approach to learning

  1. Tell me about the most challenging course you’ve taken. In what ways was it challenging? How did you approach learning in this course?

  2. What is the best course you’ve had in college? Describe . . . .

  3. What is the worst course you’ve had in college? Describe . . .

  4. When you’re studying, how do you know that you’ve learned something?

  5. If you help your friends with their homework, how do you help them? What’s your strategy?

  6. A major role for LAs is to facilitate learning among students working in groups. Do you find this to be a useful way to learn? Why or why not?

Experience with LAs

  1. Have you had courses that used LAs? What has been your personal experience with LAs? What is the best model you’ve seen?

  2. Is working with an LA any different than working with a TA or the instructor? Explain.

Additional questions related to being a chemistry LA

  1. What does it mean to learn chemistry?

  2. Why do you think some students struggle with General Chemistry?

  3. What challenges do you anticipate as a Chemistry LA in the recitation setting? [students resisting working in groups; students wanting to rush through the materials; students not seeing how recitation helps them with grades; working with the TA; student motivation] Can you think of ways to deal with those challenges?

  4. Why do you want to be a Chemistry LA? What can you contribute? What do you hope to gain?

  5. In general, why are you interested in teaching or in finding out more about teaching?

A little more information about the LA positions for next semester:

First of all, it is quite competitive. We’re interviewing 16 applicants for 8 – 10 positions. (We have several LA’s returning from this semester.)

We’re not looking at just one thing. Trying to strike some balance in majors, interest in teaching, etc. Plus, scheduling may play a role as well.

If you’re not hired for next semester:

-- is there another course that you’d like to LA for?

-- encourage you to apply again next time

Time commitment:

2 hours of education course on either Tuesday evenings or Wednesday evenings (6 – 8 p.m.)

3 hours per week attending CHEM 1111 class MWF 8 – 9 a.m. or MWF 11 – 12 a.m.

3 hours per week facilitating groups in recitation (along with a TA)

1 hour per week participating in weekly TA/LA meeting and training session

Either Thursdays afternoon or evening OR Fridays 1 – 2 p.m.

1 hour per week to write reflections; prepare for recitation

Remember to collect student's schedule!