Robber’s Roost

Robber's Roost features ten crows that were thread painted and each feather was cut out, highlighted, and stitched. Three of the crows are holding found objects which can be seen by looking closely at the quilt. The background is a purchased fabric to which the outer circle has been over painted. The silk and cotton oak leaves were cut out of Joanne's ice dyed fabrics. The texture on the bark of the tree was created with Texture Magic and heat distressed paints.

41" x 41"

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2015 AQS Spring Paducah - Best Small Wall Quilt

2015 Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival - Best Wall Quilt

2015 New Jersey Quilt Festival - Special Exhibit

2016 Road to CA - Judge's Choice

2016 AQS Syracruise - Second Place

2016 MQX New England - Second Place - Viewer's Choice

2016 Sipshewana Quilt Festival - Mixed Technique -Third Place

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