Faces of Four Seasons

Faces of Four Seasons was inspired by an idea that I had of viewing the same scene in nature as it evolves into spring, summer, fall, and winter. I sketched the scene and then reproduced it four times . This involved precise measuring and the use of plastic overlays. Leaves and grasses turn colors, snow levels decrease and increase, and three baby raccoons hiding during daylight hours grow with each season.

Techniques that were used are fusing, thread painting on and off the quilt, snippets, Lutradur, heat distressing. Materials include paints, inks, tulle, cottons, silks, dryer sheets, flower soft, glitter, beads, and puff paints.

The sky was painted, the small trees and bushes were beaded after the quilt was finished, and the raccoons were thread painted separately.

60” x 42”

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2018 AQS Grand Rapids - Wall Quilts - 2nd Place

2018 AQS Fall Paducah -Finalist - Overall 2nd Place

2019 Lancaster Quilt Festival - Best Use of Color