Nazir Hussain Nazari

Name: Nazir Hussain Nazari

Profile: Hazara refugee from Afghanistan, living in Indonesia.

Advantages: UN-certified, good English skills, educated, have bachelor’s degree.

Risk: At risk of being tortured and killed by the Taliban if returned home.

Canadian contact: Stephen Watt

Nazir Hussain was a school teacher with responsibility of taking reports to the Department of Education in Ghazni city and then bringing salaries of all teachers from there. His life changed when the Taliban shot fires on the taxi in which he was going to Ghazni. As a result, a Hazara passenger got killed and another was injured. Their target was Nazir Hussain, and this incident showed him how much he was in danger. So, he fled to Indonesia in 2016.

He spent more than two years inside a detention centre, and while waiting to be resettled in a safe country, Nazir Hussain lost his mother in Afghanistan. He now has a sister whose responsibility is on him, but he cannot help her in anyway.

He needs a group of five friends who can help him come to Canada where he can pursue his education work and support his only sister who is stuck in Afghanistan now.

His Early Life

Nazir Hussain Nazari was born on July 30, 1991in a village in Jaghori district in Ghazni province in Afghanistan. In 2012, he finished Teacher Training from Sayed Jamaluddin College. In 2015, he got his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics Department from Kabul Education University. Then he was appointed as a teacher at Hojat Ibn-e-Hassan Secondary School in his village in Jaghori. Beside teaching, he was responsible to make reports of monthly school supplies, shortages and teachers’ salaries and then taking them to the Department of Education in Ghazni. Also, he used to bring teachers’ salaries from Ghazni.


The Hazara people of the region have long been targets of persecution and massacres because of their culture, religion, and love for education. On the other hand, Nazir was threatened by the Taliban many times to leave his job.

“A Hazara taxi driver Hassan Mubarez, told me once that the Taliban had been looking for me and they had my picture and knew my name. I did not take it too seriously because I had hardly found my job, so I was not ready to leave that.”

Unforeseen Incident

On June 12, 2016 Nazir arranged all the reports and was on his way to Ghazni in the taxi of Hassan Mubarez. There were other Hazara passengers as well in that taxi. When they reached Qeyagh an area of Ghazni, two armed members of the Taliban appeared in front of them. They were at a greater distance and they pointed out to stop the taxi.

“The driver Hassan Mubarez, already knew that the Taliban had been looking for me and I had some documents with myself, so he immediately slowed the car, turned around and moved quickly. The Taliban shot at our car and unfortunately, one of the passengers got killed and another one got injured.”

After that incident, Nazir realized that his life was really in danger, and his parents told him to leave his job immediately and leave Afghanistan because the Taliban knew everything about Nazir.

His Journey to Indonesia

On June 13, 2016 he escaped to Kabul where he arranged for a people smuggler, and on June 23, 2016 he flew to New Delhi, India where he stayed for 4 days. Then he flew to Malaysia and stayed there for 2 days. On June 29, 2016, he arrived at Medan Airport and then he flew to Jakarta, Indonesia on that same day.

Life in The Detention Centre

On June 30, he registered himself at the UNHCR office in Jakarta and stayed in Bogor for a week.

With no right to work or way to support himself in the new country, he went to Manado Immigration Centre to ask for assistance. On July 28, 2016 he was transferred to a detention centre where he lived for more than 2 years, and on November 7, 2018 he got his freedom and was transferred to a community house in Batam, Indonesia.

Like other refugees in Indonesia, Nazir has been deprived of his basic human rights, and he has been keeping himself busy in reading books and playing football.

Two Shocking News

On January 20, 2020 his mother died.

“The pain of losing my mother was unbearable. I could not meet her again after I left home. In November 2020, I got another tragic news, and this time, it was about my father. He passed away due to COVID-19.”

Now, only Nazir’s younger sister is left in Afghanistan. Her responsibility is on Nazir, but he can not help her.

Last Word

Since the Taliban have captured Afghanistan, Nazir’s worrisome situation had worsened. His only sister is homeless there and he is not able to protect her.

As a UNHCR refugee, Nazir Hussain is eligible for Canada’s private sponsorship program. He needs a group of five Canadian friends to support him.

To help support Nazir Hussain as a sponsor, please contact Stephen Watt on Facebook.

You can also reach out to Nazir Hussain directly on Facebook.

Reach out and discover how wonderful it is to privately sponsor a good person to start a new life – with your help – in Canada!

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