Ghulam Ali Saadat

Name: Ghulam Ali Saadat

Profile: Hazara refugee from Afghanistan, living in Indonesia.

Advantages: UN-certified, good English skills, experienced tractor water tanker driver.

Risk: At risk of being tortured and killed by the Taliban if returned home.

Canadian contact: Stephen Watt

Ghulam Ali used to work as a tractor-water tanker driver. He suddenly learned that the owner of the tractor was a member of the Taliban, so he decided to leave his job. But the member of the Taliban threatened him to death. Knowing that he was in grave danger, he fled to Indonesia to save his life in early 2015.

While living in Indonesia, he has been improving his English skills. His dream is to be resettled in a country like Canada where he can get proper education, work and contribute to society. He needs a group of Canadian friends who can help him start a new life in Canada.

His Story

Ghulam Ali was born on February 01, 1999 in Nawur district in Ghazni province in Afghanistan. He was 15 years old when his father died, and he started working at a mechanic workshop as an apprentice in Ghazni.

The Hazara people of the region have long been targets of persecution and massacres because of their culture, religion, and love for education.

After about a month, a Pashtun man Juma Khan, brought his tractor water tanker to the mechanic workshop to get its oil changed. The Pashtun man Juma Khan, could speak fluent Dari and Ghulam Ali was offered to work with him for better payment. Thinking of a better payment, Ghulam Ali accepted his offer and started working as his tractor’s driver in September 2014. He used to fetch water in the tractor water tanker for houses and animals.

By the time, he doubted that the Pashtun man Juma Khan, was a member of the Taliban because he often saw members of the Taliban meeting Juma Khan. His doubt turned into fact when one day, the tractor could not start, and Juma Khan’s son and Ghulam Ali were told to go to the warehouse and bring an alternative battery to switch on the engine.

“When I entered the warehouse, I was startled seeing heavy weapons and satellite phones stocked there.”

After witnessing those weapons in the warehouse, Ghulam Ali was very scared. He decided to leave the job, so he approached Juma Khan and asked him for his salary. Instead of being paid, he was threatened badly. The Pashtun man Juma khan, even pointed his gun at him and berated him harshly by saying that he could never leave the place unless he wanted him to.

The Incident

The next day, Ghulam Ali was ordered to get back to work. He went to fetch water, and on the way back, he came across Juma Khan’s herd of sheep, goats and cows. Arriving at the slope and close to the herd, he lost control of the tractor and overran six sheep and a dog. The tractor then crashed into the wall and he fell off onto the ground.

The shepherd instantly contacted Juma Khan and told him about the incident. Juma Khan threatened Ghulam Ali on the phone and said that he would kill him in return for the death of his sheep and the damage done to his tractor.

“His shepherd who was a Pashtun too, began to beat me and then he ran to his herd of sheep. At that time, a truck was passing by, moving towards Ghazni city. I chased the truck until the driver saw me. I got into the truck and traveled towards Ghazni.”

After arriving in Ghazni, he hid in a hotel known as Shafaq Hotel. He then contacted his brother who was in Nawur district and shared everything with him. His brother cautioned him not to return home or he would be found and killed by the Taliban.

He was also told to leave Ghazni immediately. The next morning, he went to Kabul and ran into a guy named Ismat who was from his village. After he told Ismat about the incident and his life being in danger, Ismat and his brother helped him arrange for a people smuggler.

The Way to Indonesia

Ghulam Ali was given a room in a hotel by the people smuggler where one day, his picture was taken for making a passport for him. After his passport was made, he was brought to New Delhi, India on a plane in January 2015. From there, he went to Malaysia by plane and then on to Indonesia by boat on February 04, 2015.

Life in Indonesia

After arriving in Jakarta, he registered himself with the UNHCR on February 09, 2015. With no right to work or way to support himself in Indonesia, he went to Pekanbaru Immigration Centre to ask for assistance. After about 20 days, he was moved to a hotel where he remained for months. On February 19, 2016, he was transferred to a shelter for minors in Makassar.

After turning 18 years old, he was transferred to a community house in Makassar in February 2019. Since then, he has been living there.

His Hope

While living in Makassar, Ghulam Ali has managed to improve his English skills.

“I can easily communicate in English now. Life has been tough here but I have pulled off some personal achievements. I have undertaken online English courses to which I have certificates.”

Also, he has coordinated with IOM for which they have bestowed him with Certificates too.

He hopes for the day to be free and live his life with freedom and peace. The only way for him to fulfill his dream is to be resettled in a safe country like Canada.

As a UNHCR refugee, Ghulam Ali is eligible for Canada’s private sponsorship program. He needs a group of five Canadian friends to support him. He says:

“I hope one day I can make difference in the lives of people I care about, refugees I love and the community where I will live.”

To help support him as a sponsor, please contact Stephen Watt on Facebook.

You can also reach out to Ghulam Ali directly on Facebook or by email:

Reach out and discover how wonderful it is to privately sponsor a good person to start a new life – with your help – in Canada!

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