Mohammad Said Ahmad Othman

Name: Mohammad Said Ahmad Othman

Profile: Syrian refugee, living in Jordan since 2013.

Advantages: UN-certified, excellent English skills, educated, experienced warehouse inventory officer, detergent factory worker and farmer.

Risk: At risk of being forced to join the military or imprisoned or killed if returned home.

Canadian contact: Stephen Watt

Mohammad Said, a refugee from Syria escaped from death threats with his family to Jordan in 2013. Unfortunately, his family faced many problems in Jordan and was forced to return to Syria which is not safe at all.

Mohammad Said remained in Jordan. His dream is to pursue education, but as a refugee, it is not possible for him. He needs now a group of friends who can bring him to Canada where he can live with freedom.

Fled from Persecution

Said Othman was born on January 8, 1993 in Dara, Syria. Due to the tragic events and conflicts that happened in Syria in 2011, there were autocracy and persecution of human rights. The situation in the area where Said was living had become turbulent with murders and kidnappings. In 2012, many innocents were attacked and shot by bullets.

“My younger brother got wounded and that terrified my family.”

Everything that happened around Said forced him to leave his university studies and stand by his family. After the crisis exacerbated, they fled and sought refuge in Jordan, leaving everything they had.

The Hard Situation

On February 6, 2013, they moved to Jordan and registered themselves with the UNHCR. Since then, Said has been working arduous jobs to feed his family, and this has affected his health. He has been suffering from asthma due to excessive thinking, misery and working in a chemical cleaning warehouse. He also had a stroke on his left foot once in 2018.

His Love for Education

Said loves education. In 2016, he got a scholarship to complete his university studies which meant he was one step away from achieving his dreams of developing society, but he had to work and support his family. Despite this great opportunity, he did not have time to study and work at the same time, and that was the reason he was not able to complete the conditions of the scholarship. However, his name got withdrawn from the list of scholarship recipients.


Since Said’s family faced many restrictions and problems in Jordan, they were forced to return to Syria despite the instability of security and safety there. He says:

“Now, I am living alone in Jordan and I can't return to my country out of fear for my life because as a young man, I am wanted for military services there, and I don’t want to cause harm to anyone.”

It is Possible!

It is possible for Said to live with freedom in a country like Canada where he can pursue his education and help society.

As a UNHCR refugee, he is eligible for Canada’s private sponsorship program. He needs a group of five Canadian friends to support him.

To help support him as a sponsor, please contact Stephen Watt on Facebook.

You can also reach out to Said directly on Facebook.

Reach out and discover how wonderful it is to privately sponsor a good person to start a new life – with your help – in Canada!

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