The Future Aerodynamic Engineer

Abdullah Nabizadah

Name: Abdullah Nabizadeh

Profile: Hazara refugee from Afghanistan, living in Indonesia.

Advantages: UN-certified, good English skills, experienced as a volunteer teacher, carpenter and electrician, successfully obtained GED (high school equivalency diploma). .

Risk: At risk of being tortured and killed by the Taliban if returned home.

Canadian contact: Stephen Watt

The Taliban threatened Abdullah’s father who was the leader of his village and ordered him to persuade people to give them Zakat and help them in war, and when he failed, the Taliban arrested him and told Abdullah to persuade people within a day.

Knowing that Abdullah would be captured and killed by the Taliban, his mother sent him to Indonesia in 2016, with the help of his father’s friend.

While living without his basic rights, he learned the English language, became a volunteer teacher and now has obtained the GED (high school equivalency diploma). Also, he is very keen to become an aerodynamic engineer in the future.

He now hopes to find five Canadian friends to come to Canada where he can follow his dreams, become an engineer and help society.

His Story

Abdullah Nabizadeh was born in 1999 in a village of the Jaghatu district in Ghazni province in Afghanistan. His town was located on the border of an area dominated by the Taliban and the Pashtun, the largest population group in Afghanistan.

The Hazara people of the region have long been targets of persecution and massacres due to their culture, religion, and love for education. Abdullah’s father was the leader in the village and the Taliban used to convey their orders to the people through his father.


On January 14, 2016 the Taliban threatened Abdullah’s father and ordered him to persuade the people of the village to give their Zakat (An annual alms tax that is used for charitable and religious purposes) to the Taliban and help them in war as well, and if he failed in that, the Taliban would kill him and his family.

In that evening, Abdullah’s father gathered everyone and told them the Taliban’s order. The people had already given their Zakat and they were so poor to give Zakat again, they refused to help the Taliban in any way.

Beaten and Taken

The next day, the Taliban came for their answer and got very angry with his father.

“They beat my father so much that his face was covered with blood then they took him with them and warned me to persuade people till the next day otherwise they would take me with them as well.”

People were so poor to help Abdullah, so his mother took him to one of his father’s friends and asked him for help.

His father’s friend said that the Taliban would capture, torture and kill him if he didn’t leave his country. He took Abdullah to Ghazni and introduced him to a person who later arranged for a people smuggler for sending Abdullah to Indonesia.

His Journey to Indonesia

On January 23, 2016 he flew from Kabul to New Delhi, where he stayed for two weeks. Then, he flew to Singapore on February 6, and then he flew to Indonesia on February 8, 2016. He registered himself at the UNHCR office on February 10, 2016 and started living in Bogor.

His Life in Indonesia

“When I arrived in Indonesia, I was really happy since it is a peaceful country. Later on, I got to know the problems that refugees in Indonesia face and I too started feeling in a prison because of not having access to proper education, health care and our basic rights.”

In Bogor, Abdullah used to go to JRS (Jersuit Refugee Service) to learn the English language, and in 2017, he moved to Depok and started learning in HELP Learning Centre. He studied hard, and later he became a volunteer math teacher at the same learning centre.

Besides being busy at school and teaching, he volunteered with JakartaGreener.E(Eco-friendly &charity goods).

In 2018 and 2019, Abdullah was active in various programs. He attended an Entrepreneurship program by the UNHCR, Atmajaya University and ILO. Also, he attended another business program by Instellar Indonesia.

His Hopes and Dreams

Abdullah dreams to become an aerodynamic engineer in the future. In his spare time, he learned on his own how to make radio-controlled planes and boats.

While living in Indonesia, he studied GED (General Educational Development) and successfully got its certificate.

“I designed Afghanistan flag on one of the jets I made, to remind me of where I came from and as a symbol of peace which I hope to see in my country one day.”

The Opportunity

Abdullah’s only option to be able to get a proper education, follow his dreams and move forward with his life is to find a group of five citizens to bring him to Canada.

As a UNHCR refugee, Abdullah is eligible for Canada’s private sponsorship program.

To help support Abdullah as a sponsor, please contact Stephen Watt on Facebook.

You can also reach out to Abdullah directly on Facebook.

Reach out and discover how wonderful it is to privately sponsor a good person to start a new life with your help in Canada!

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