
Some more fun activities: week of June 8th

Read and write everyday.

When writing, it is important to revise and edit texts repeatedly. Here are some helpful hints for revision and editing.


Add- sentences and words

Remove- words or sentences you do't need

Move-change a word or placement of a sentence

Substitute-trade words or sentences for new ones


Capitalize-names, places, titles, months, etc.

Usage-nouns and verbs are correctly used

Punctuation-periods, quotes, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, etc.

Spelling-check all words, look for homophones, use a dictionary.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

I was standing at the washing machine folding clothes when I heard a bang at the door. Louder than usual, as both the vestibule and outside doors were closed, I still heard the sound clearly over the radio. I immediately stopped folding and went to see what had caused the noise, was it Foggy knocking?

I opened the doors and peered outside. A few seconds passed and then Foggy came running. Something had been chasing her. She must have run by the door, gave it a knock to notify me that she wanted in, and continued on to a safer location.

I think there are raccoons in the area, they dig garbage out of the cracks of the garbage box and create a bit of a mess. I have also heard chattering coming from the trailer when I'm in the area...either squirrels or raccoons either of which don't want their territory disturbed.

There are also coyotes around, as I hear them singing occasionally.

What ever it was that was chasing Foggy cat, it gave her quite a fright. She was happy to be inside and accepted a loving snuggle, before enjoying some well deserved treats.

Some more fun activities: week of June 1st

  • Try to find the main idea of this week's Foggy story below.

  • Deconstruct, break down, the story into it's simplest form. What is being said in the most basic of text? Read each sentence, find the simple meaning within.

  • Rewrite the paragraph in its most simple form.

  • Find interesting words and look them up in both the dictionary and the thesaurus. What is the basic meaning of the "million dollar word"?

  • Look at other words within the sentence to help get the overall meaning.

  • Find big words and see if they have prefixes or suffixes. For example the word deconstruct has the prefix de that means not or undo. The root word is construct. Construct means to build and de means un, then deconstruct means un build or take apart. I can also add suffixes at the end to change the word. Constructed -ed- in the past. Constructing-ing- in the present.

  • Create your own simple paragraph or story. Expand on the main idea, add detail and elaborate.

  • Consider all five senses while writing, touch, taste, smell, hearing, and vision. Describe as many aspects as possible. What does it look like? smell? taste? feel? What do I hear?

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

It's a cool, misty morning on the island. All is damp.

Foggy explored the wet terrain earlier today and came back with chilly, wet, paws. I snagged a quick hug upon entry. She smells so fresh when she comes in from being outside. Her feet were drenched, so I wiped them on my shirt. She gets cold easily. She is presently snuggled tightly in her leopard print den. She seems to know that I am writing, or thinking about her. She wants to pay attention but disregards that notion as too difficult, and tucks her head deeper within the terry cloth covers, for some much desired slumber.

The moisture is dissipating outside and the sun may make an appearance later. There are lots of potential outdoor activities to pursue. Miss Foggy would enjoy supervising most. She is not a very good helper, but she likes to be present for all adventures and considers herself involved. Today's activities may include removing debris from the grounds, fixing and rebuilding the door in need of repair, and/or collecting clean fill from beneath the rotten wood piles.

First priority though, on line school work.

Some more fun activities: week of May 25th

I encourage you to read and write everyday. Practice makes better, no matter what you're doing.

Hints to help with writing:

-create a plan, decide on the big idea or topic of your text.

-consider the details, or small stories, about your initial thought or big idea.

-create your initial draft or rough copy- leave space to edit and add.

-reread (aloud)/adjust/check spelling and grammar.

-elaborate, add interesting details, adjust, use interesting words.

-reread and edit, again.

-introduction- will talk about what you will be discussing.

-body-main part of your text.

-conclusion- similar to your introduction, only worded differently, wraps up what you talked about.

I would love to hear some stories that you write about your pets. Observe them, or watch what they are doing. Take notes, tell/write what you have seen, make it better by rereading, reviewing and elaborating. Below are some examples of starter stories, or chapters, based on Foggy's activities:

  1. As I heard the vestibule door open, Foggy had stretched her arm up to push her way through. It opens easier that way. One more hurdle, the outside door...need Mamma for that...

  2. "I'm going to do some insulation work anyways, why don't you go have a nap on Dad's bed?"

  3. Foggy is hunkered down in the trench that has been dug to aid with water drainage. She is in attack mode.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

"Oh, bad kitty!" as I hear her scratch at the door frame. This is her way of notifying me that the door woman is required for service.

Foggy is a bit of a princess, and likes to be catered to. She hears and understands, as she stops when I ask her to do so. She sits patiently waiting for her human to provide the door opening service, for a brief moment. She grows impatient awaiting. She comes over for a vocalization that means "Come on, hurry up, I want out now!" She offers her head for a scratch a she walks back to the door. Her wishes are granted, and she trots out the door happily.

She supervised earlier efforts to mow the lawn. She obeys safe distancing during that activity, mainly due to the loud noise the machine makes. She enjoys watching and considers herself to be a great help, in all activities that which she is present. She explains her dismay when she is excluded from events, or has missed any excitement for any reason, which often includes sleeping.

Some more fun activities: week of May 18th

In addition to daily reading, daily writing is recommended. Journal entries, timed writing, lists, descriptions, etc. Sentence building is a beneficial activity. Beginning with a simple sentence, make it longer and more exciting. Explore complex sentences and search the dictionary or thesaurus for more interesting words. Ex. The girl is running.

The slight, red headed girl, ran briskly through the tall grass, while chasing her puppy.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

I was beginning the process of dismantling the trailer, when trusty supervisor Foggy, arrived for inspection.

As I tore at the wood and metal, Foggy decided it was a good time to explore within the partially imploded structure. She halted my progress for fear of her well being. With glass and debris scattered about, she curiously wandered, unfazed.

As I scolded her for her dangerous activities, she responded with a "Meow" and continued her search. She jumped on the fallen roof and began to climb upward. Once I left the scene, she followed willingly.

She has since been banned from demo events and remains housebound during these times.

Some more fun activities: week of May 11th

  • Writing:

  • Create an informative text, teach us about something you know, or research a topic of interest

  • History project/interview with an elder-Ask some questions and find answers about a building, activity or individual of interest. Create a list of questions and find the answers from others. You could do this on the phone or through the internet.

  • Character sketch-Create some characters for a short story, or a novel. Give physical descriptions of the main characters as well as some other interesting information about them. See below.

  • Reading- continue to read everyday, if you find words that you don't know, look them up in the dictionary and/or thesaurus. Pick different genres of books, fiction and non-fiction, graphic novels or some poetry for example.

Character sketch example

Foggy: Foggy is a thirteen year old Calico cat, who came with my father's house. She was abandoned by her previous owners and has lived with Ms. Watts for the past four years. She is grey, beige and white with big yellow eyes. She has a small stature and is very dainty. She has a white neck, chin and her left front paw. Her tail is tipped in black and she has some twisted claws. She disappears from view, in the wilderness, as she is well camouflaged. She is a cat with an attitude. She loves heights and enjoys supervising all human activities. She enjoys playing string and melting by the fire. She is a seafood lover, and goes wild for her Temptation treats. She likes humans, and displays affection toward them but does not like other animals, cats or otherwise. She is a talker, she'll voice her opinion on various subjects, and likes to be a part of all activities. She is curious and is thrilled to explore new environments. She is not a good traveler as she experiences motion sickness. She is a smart kitty who adds interest to the life of her human.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

I heard a knock. Kitty makes noises, pounds on the door for entry.

I love fresh kitty hugs. It's a good time for cuddles until she demands treats.

Meli-melo, a new brand this evening. We went without "candy" for a few days. I heard about the dismay. She happily accepted her entry reward and tried the new brand.

Chicken catnip cheddar flavour. This variety contains catnip, maybe that's why she loves them so. She had had her fill for the moment. She liked her chops, cleaned her face and snuggled into the comfortable chair in front of the wood stove.

Some more fun activities: week of May 4th

  • In addition to reading, writing and running, here are some grammar videos that you may find helpful

  • Singular and plural forms

  • Parts of Speech

  • Sentence structure

  • Writing-remember to reread and edit texts, several times, before considering it the final product. Possible writing topic: What would I like to learn about (this) week?

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

The Fogster received her monthly round of flea and tick prevention at the first of May. She does not enjoy this event. I try to catch her off guard, when she's sleeping or sitting comfortably, otherwise it becomes very difficult to apply.

I put the solution on her neck, between her shoulder blades. Her reaction is never one of joy. She always meows, a sound of displeasure. After stating her unhappiness, she gets up and immediately tries licking the affected area, if she can reach. Her routine is to then go outside, to help avoid some of the unpleasant odor. The medication seems to make her feel unwell, and sleepy.

Although she does not enjoy receiving her flea and tick medication, it is a necessary evil. Ticks are dangerous and fleas are very unwelcome. She gets over the situation and returns to her lovable self within a day or two.

Some more fun activities: week of April 28th

Read, write and run!

  • Daily journal entries

  • Twenty minutes or more of reading

  • Running: Physical activity produces endorphins and helps to keep us happy

  • Writing prompts:

    • Imagine that a ball rolled to a stop at you feet. When you picked it up it felt very warm and it glowed. Then suddenly... Describe what happened next.

    • If you were sent back in time to the year 1895, who would you get to help you?

    • What do dogs think about?

    • Think of a really famous pop/rock star and then describe what you think their bathroom looks like.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

This week Foggy ran out of treats/candy. It is used as her entry reward, or so she thinks. She verbally expressed her dismay on several occasions. Why do cats love the Temptations brand so much? What do they contain?

I had to run, picked up the keys with Foggy in my arms, and she immediately squiggled loose from my loving embrace. "The car!" she meowed. Down she went and incognito for hours on end.

I returned with treats. She was a happy kitty, thanking me with purrs and tail twitches. I'll try to ensure that her cupboard is completely stocked from now on, avoiding a kitty inconvenience as such, in the future.

Some more fun activities: week of April 20th


  • Read for 20 mins everyday. Read, read, read...discuss it with someone.

  • WORD WORK. From the text read, find one or more word that you didn't know. Look your new words up in the dictionary. Find the meaning and create some sentences with your new words. Check the thesaurus too. Use your new words, as many times as you can in conversation, all day.

  • Create a series of letters-2 vowels and 5 consonants. How many words can you spell out of your letters. Find as many as you can. Challenge someone to play with. Ex. a e r s t l n tale, are, ... o y b r w p m


  • goals- daily, weekly, monthly and long term

  • journals-recommend daily entries, great for dealing with thoughts and writing practice

  • short stories-topic of choice, possibly about your pet, actual or imaginary (see below)

  • letters-to islanders, older family members and/or nursing home patients/staff

  • Country project-Choose a country of choice and research some information. This is a great opportunity to explore Power Point and create some fun slides, while learning about other countries. (see below)

Country project: Choose a country of interest.

Find the following facts-capital city, other major cities (3), population, industries (work), animals (3), trees (3), arts, culture, traditions, religions, landscape and climate, natural resources (3), homes , languages, currency/money, leaders, a map of the country and any other facts of interest.

Foggy and I or Foggy and me?

One purrticular snowy April evening, Foggy and I, were basking in the warmth of the wood stove and contemplating the variety of existing tasks.

She meowed upon entry, a kind of "Thank you", or "What took you so long?" response. She was in search of her treats, or candy, as they are often referred.

The green package of Temptations was handled. This is the Spearmint flavour, of sorts, it's her favourite, she's a seafood fanatic. She happily accepted some of her beloved reward for entering the building.

While she was enjoying her snack, I seized the photo opportunity. As per usual, she shied away from the camera and refused to allow me a good shot. After licking her chops, she wiped her face with a paw and searched for the most appealing place to rest. She eyed the cozy chair in front of the fire, jumped up and settled in for a warm nap.

Some fun things to do: week of Apr 14

-Read for twenty minutes or more per day-short stories, novels, recipes, ingredients lists, newspapers, websites, etc.


-five minute timed writing

-in your journals; thoughts and ideas

-texts should include a plan, a rough copy and a good copy after editing

-weekend stories/short stories, character sketches

-daily and weekly goals-lists

-"How to" or procedural texts

-Informative texts-learn about something of interest and teach us about it

-Interview people-generate a list of questions, ask someone your questions and record their responses

-Word work/sentence building-find some new words in the dictionary, read the definition and create sentences with your new words.

Possible topic questions:

What have you done during your unscheduled break?

What are my interests? What do I like to do in my spare time? If I could do anything right now, I would...