
Remember to Read ("real" books or Raz Kids) and practice your sight words every day (or as often as you can).

Language Arts I can statements color.docx

Welcome to Week 9 and the end of our school year!

We have made it! Thank you for all who have stuck with us in this online/remote learning experience. I don't know about you, but I am praying we are back in school in the fall!

There is no new work this week, unless you want the worksheets for the last 6 sight words that we did not get to because of the interruption of school in March. Instead, I have included a list of "I can" statements for language arts for kindergarten. These are based on the outcomes for kindergarten, looking at speaking and listening skills, phonological awareness skills, reading and viewing skills, and writing and representation skills. If your child can do all of these things, then wonderful! Enjoy your summer, but please encourage your child to keep reading and writing. If there are some things that you know that your child still struggles with, then this will give you a checklist of sorts to go by.

RazKids will be open and free until the end of June, so please continue to take advantage of this free trial.


Week 8: Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. Worksheets to print are at the end if you have access to a printer.

  1. Read, read, read every day! Read a combination of real books at home and on Raz Kids. If you finish a level please let me know! (If you haven't tried Raz Kids, please do so).

  2. If you aren't finished yet, continue doing dictation in your Homework Writing books. Send me a message or a picture when you finish list 45! (Congratulations to Braxtan who has finished! Yahoo!)

  3. Add three more words to your word wall: because, when, could.

    • Practice spelling and printing these words.

    • Clap each letter as you spell the word and then jump up and shout the word.

    • Play "Word Wall Race". Have mom or dad call out a word and find it on your word wall as quickly as you can. How many words can you find in 1 minute?

    • Write a sentence with each of the words, or use them all in one sentence.

  4. Review the 6 word families we have learned: at, in, op, it, an ad.

    • Make a list of 3 words in each word family.

    • Read the following words and tell which word family they come from (or have someone write the words on paper and cut them out so that you can sort them into word families).

cat bin hop fit

man sad rat fan

sit mop had win

grad stop hit pan

grin that

  1. Write three sentence about your favourite thing to do (or one of your favourites). The first sentence tells what your favourite thing is. The next two will add some details. (ex. I really like to read. Curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee is relaxing. I like learning about new things when I read and reading make-believe stories where you really get to know the characters. or I like to swim. I can swim without a life jacket. I like to jump off the diving board.)

  2. Read the story "Mad Rat" and answer the questions.

mad rat.JPG

Week 7: Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. Worksheets to print are at the end if you have access to a printer.

  1. Read, read, read every day! Read a combination of real books at home and on Raz Kids. If you finish a level please let me know! (If you haven't tried Raz Kids, please do so).

  2. If you aren't finished yet, continue doing dictation in your Homework Writing books. Send me a message or a picture when you finish list 45!

  3. Add three more words to your word wall: so, there, many.

    • Practice spelling and printing these words.

    • Pretend to pick apples off a tree as you say each letter, and then throw your hands in the air as you shout the word. (t-h-e-r-e THERE!). Or bounce a ball, do jumping jacks, or push-ups as you spell and then shout the words.

    • Print each word neatly and then cut the letters apart. Mix up all the letters and see if you can put the words back in the right order to spell the words.

    • Write a sentence with each of the words, or use them all in one sentence.

  4. Review the word family ad.

    • Reexamine the ad poster from last week.

    • Watch the "Word Family "ad" Book" video.

    • Write sentences with 5 "ad" words.

    • Complete the ad worksheet.

  5. The weather is getting so much nicer! Write a list of 5 things that you can do now that the weather is nicer. Put a star beside your favorite thing in your list.

  6. Read the story "Dad's Nap" and answer the questions.

dad's nap.JPG
ad-ap sort.JPG

Week 6: Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. Worksheets to print are at the end if you have access to a printer.

  1. Read, read, read every day! Read a combination of real books at home and on Raz Kids. If you finish a level please let me know! (If you haven't tried Raz Kids, please do so).

  2. Continue doing dictation in your Homework Writing books. I have included pictures of the last 4 lists! Then these are done for the year. Send me a message or a picture when you finish list 45!

  3. Add three more words to your word wall: were, right, as.

    • Practice spelling and printing these words.

    • Pretend to bounce a basketball as you say each letter in the word, and then shoot the ball as you say the word (or use a real ball). w-e-r-e spells WERE, r-i-g-h-t spells RIGHT, a-s spells AS.

    • Print the words neatly using a different color for every letter.

    • Write a sentence with each of the words, or use them all in one sentence.

  4. This week we are going to learn about our last word family: ad.

    • Examine the ad poster.

    • Watch my video introducing the ad family. Have a pencil and paper ready to write the words with me.

    • Watch the Jack Hartman "ad" video. Can you add any ad words to your list.

    • Complete the ad worksheet.

  5. Write a letter to me or someone else telling us about you. Use the sentence starters below. Don't forget to leave spaces between each word.

    • I am ...

    • I like to ...

    • I can ...

Dear boys and girls,

I am so happy to be your teacher. I like to prepare lessons and videos for you. I can get things ready a lot quicker now because I am learning and practicing. I miss you all!

Love Mrs. Jones

Ad word family .MOV
ad roll and read.JPG

Week 5: Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. Worksheets to print are at the end if you have access to a printer.

  1. Read, read, read every day! Read a combination of real books at home and on Raz Kids. If you finish level please let me know!

  2. Continue doing dictation in your Homework Writing books. I will be sending the last lists next week!

  3. Add three more words to your word wall: one, other, saw.

    • Practice spelling and printing these words.

    • Make the words using playdough, paint, or drawing with a stick in the sand.

    • Print the words neatly. Cut them out and cut apart the letters. Can you put the letters back together in the right order?

    • Write a sentence with each of the words, or use them all in one sentence.

  4. Review the word families we have learned so far: at, it, in, op, an. Watch the "an" video.

    • Read the following words and tell what word family they are in (or an adult can print the words on a piece of paper and cut them out so that you can read the words, and then sort them into word family piles):

can pop rat sit fin

sat fit tin cop man

pan top hat pit win

    • Complete the "an/at" sorting worksheet.

  1. Watch the two video about the 5 senses. What are your favorite things to see? smell? hear? taste? touch?

    • Write one sentence using each of the senses. Use the sentence starters below. Don't forget to leave spaces between each word.

    • I can see...

    • I can hear...

    • I can smell...

    • I can taste...

    • I can touch...

at-an sort.JPG
five senses.docx

Week 4: Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. Worksheets to print are at the end if you have access to a printer.

  1. Read, read, read every day! Read a combination of real books at home and on Raz Kids.

  2. Continue doing dictation in your Homework Writing books. I have included the next 6 lists.

  3. Add three more words to your word wall: want, all, down.

    • Practice spelling and printing these words.

    • Make the words using playdough, paint, or drawing with a stick in the sand.

    • Print the words neatly. Cut them out and cut apart the letters. Can you put the letters back together in the right order?

    • Write a sentence with each of the words, or use them all in one sentence.

  4. Review the "an" family.

  5. Watch the video about the 5 senses. Tell your mom or dad the five senses and which part of your body you use for each sense.

    • Create a chart (or use the one below) for the five senses, and over the week, try to write 5 things in each column. What are 5 things you can see? hear? smell? taste? touch?

    • Cook something with your mom or dad. How many of your senses do you use? How? (ex. I see the bowl. I smell the cinnamon. I hear the beaters. I touch the sticky batter. I taste the cookies.)

an worksheet.JPG

Week 3:

2018 Kindergarten Words.docx

Word Walls:

  • Great job to everyone who created their own word walls last week! Now we are ready to add to them.

  • These are the new words for this week: made, make, more

  • Add the new words to your word wall. Notice how they all start with "m" and end with a magic e (or silent e).

  • Practice reading and spelling the three words. I have included the sight word sheets for these three words for you to print if you wish for practice.

  • Feel free to add other names to your word wall: names of people in your family, names of your pets, any words your child is trying to write or read a lot or is having difficulty with.

  • Play games using your word wall. The adult calls out a word, and the child finds it as quick as they can. Or the adult gives clues - I am looking for a word that starts with "d" and rhymes with mad - I am looking for a word that has 2 letters and starts with "h", etc.

  • Write a sentence with each of our new word wall words. (ex. I made a card for you.)

  • I have included the list of all of the Kindergarten Words that we had planned to do this year.


Word Family "an"

  • Last week we reviewed the word families "at" "it" "in" and "op". This week, let's introduce the new word family "an".

  • Together, brainstorm a list of as many "an" words as you can. Remember that all of these words will rhyme. As you write them down, notice how only the beginning sound changes.

  • Watch the video about the "an" family. Are there any words you could add to your list?

  • Examine the "an" poster. Can you read all of the words?

  • Complete the "an" worksheet.

  • Challenge: can you write a sentence that uses at least two "an" words? (ex. I can cook with a frying pan. The man is getting a tan.)


  • Keep reading every day and writing your books in your reading log.

  • Use Raz Kids at least twice this week. (Follow the link and click the green "Kids Login"). You can write these books in your reading log too. When you are on Raz Kids, remember that there are three things to do with each book - listen to the book, read the book, and then do a quiz about the book. If you finish all of the books at your level, we will move you up to the next level.

Week 2: (Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day. It's okay to break things up if you wish - for example, do one word family each day)

  • Read, read, read every day! (From real books or Raz Kids)

  • Continue to do your dictation in your Homework Writing Books. I've included the lists 13-18. (If you haven't finished lists 1-12 yet, keep working on them first; if you have lost the lists message me and I will send them to you.) This is great practice for sounding out words.

  • If you haven't yet, listen to the story that I read in the video on our class page (click on K Jones). What do you miss most about our class and school? What do you like best about home learning? Write and draw about your ideas.

  • This year at school we learned 4 word families (at, in, it, op). Can you list 5 words in each word family? Remember that all the words in the word family rhyme because their endings are the same. Next week we will introduce a new word family.

  • Write one sentence using words from each or the word families. (ex. The cat is in the hat. The cop is on top of the mop.) It is okay if they are silly sentences.

  • On Starfall Learn to Read, read the book "Zac the Rat" and then try the "at" game. Repeat for other word families if you wish.

  • My big challenge for you this week is to create your own Word Wall! Find a place for your word wall (an actual wall, a piece of bristol board, a file folder, or even just a piece of paper). Put the letters of the alphabet in order, and then sort out our words that we have learned so far, and put them under each word (write them down, or make each word on paper that you can stick under each letter). Send me a picture of your word wall in our Facebook group! Next week we will start adding some new words to our word walls.


Week 1: (Choose 1 or 2 things to do each day)

  • Sing your ABC song

  • Go on an ABC Scavenger Hunt in your house or yard. Find one thing for each letter of the alphabet (ex. A- apple, B - button, C - cat, etc.)

  • Write a list of your favourite Easter treats

  • Draw a picture of the Easter bunny. Add lots of details. Label his parts. (ears, head, body, feet, tail, etc,)

  • Write a sentence or two (or more) about what your family did for Easter.

  • Ask someone to read you a story (or listen to a story on Storyline Online (see More - Extras - Learning Links). Tell someone what happened in the story (beginning, middle, end). Who was the main character in the story? How did he or she feel? Did it change in the story? How and why? What was your favourite part? Why?

  • Practice your letters and sounds on Starfall (see More - Extras - Learning Links).

  • Print your ABCs. Can you print them all in uppercase? Can you print them all in lowercase?

  • Pick two or three sight words. Can you make a sentence with them? Can you write it?

  • Read a story to your favourite stuffed toy or pet.