Language Arts

The Final Week!

Answers to week 8 work. Feel free to check the work that was completed last week. I'll also post this weeks answers below Friday so you can check!

Monday, June 8

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "St. Patrick's Day Leprechauns" and answer the questions that follow

3) Spelling List Week 31

St. Patrick's Day Leprechauns

Tuesday, June 9

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Spelling word scramble. Have a parent or older sibling choose 8-10 of your spelling words and scramble them up. Then, try and guess what the word is. This is just like what we used to do in class with partners.

3) Read the poem "Inch" and answer the questions that follow.

Inch Poem

Wednesday, June 10

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Try and write a short story using AT LEAST 2-3 of your spelling words

3) Play a round of Part of Speech Quest 2: Verbs

Thursday, June 11

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read the poem "Ian's Itch" and answer the questions that follow

Ian’s Itch Poem

Friday, June 12

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes


Answers to week 9 work! Feel free to check!

Week of June 1st - 5th (Week 8)

Answers to week 7 work.

Feel free to check the work that was completed last week.

Work for this week will be posted below.

Scrabble Spelling Activity

Monday, June 1

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "The Pygmy Marmoset" and answer the questions that follow.

3) Spelling list Week 30

lonely especially tenderly orchestra

suddenly formally lovely apron

actually rapidly nicely balcony

personally dangerously audience curtain

The Pygmy Marmoset

Tuesday, June 2

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Use the picture of Scrabble Tiles and choose 10 words from the spelling list from yesterday to solve.

3) Read the poem "Hands" and answer the questions that follow.

Hands Poem

Wednesday, June 3

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Choose 8 words from the spelling list and write 8 spelling sentences. Remember to underline or highlight the words you chose!

3) Put the spelling list (Week 30) into alphabetical (ABC) order. Remember to only do the amount of words you would normally have if we were in school (5, 8, 10, or 16).

Thursday, June 4

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Use this writing prompt: Write about your best day ever! Where was it? Who was there? What did you do? Why was it your best day ever?

Remember to write good, solid, and juicy sentences!

Friday, June 5

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "A Great Day". This is similar to ones you've already done; choose the word that best fits the sentence to complete it.

A Great Day

Week of May 25th - 29th (Week 7)

Answers to Week 6 Work

Feel free to check the work from last week. Work for this week will be posted below.

Monday, May 25

1) Read of Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "Working at a Hospital" and answer the questions that follow

3) Spelling List - Week 29

beautiful useful helpfully bountiful

cheerful colourful painfully temperature

harmful thankfully carefully difference

playful joyfully feature thermometer

Working at a Hospital

Tuesday, May 26

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "A Fly" poem, and answer the questions that follow

3) Use the picture of the Scrabble tiles to add up the total of 10 of your spelling words

Ex. useful = 1+1+1+4+1+1 = 9

A Fly

Wednesday, May 27

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Using your spelling words, create 8 sentences. Remember to highlight or underline the spelling words you choose to use.

3) Verbs - remember that verbs are what the person did, an action word.

Some examples of verbs are: swimming, drove, run, jumped, hopped, sang

Play a round or two of "Parts of Speech Quest 2 - Verbs"

Thursday, May 28

1) Read on Raz-kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Play a few rounds of "Must Pop Words"

For this game, balls will fall on to the screen. As they fall, see if you can find any words. As you find words, type them using your keyboard; once typed hit enter. Some times you will have a chance to earn bonus points. The goal is to not let there be 50 balls on the screen at a time; if there is the game is over.

3) Writing prompt - Write about an animal that goes on a crazy adventure or journey

Friday, May 29

1) Read on raz-kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "The Big Move". This is similar to ones you have already done; choosing the word that best fits into the sentence to make it complete.

The Big Move

Week of May 19th - 22nd (Week 6)

Answers to Week 5 Work

Work for week 5 will be posted below this. Feel free to check the work that was completed last week!

Tuesday, May 19

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read and answer questions on "A Biography of Dr. Seuss"

3) Spelling list 28

permission action combination constitution

confession quotation question majority

vision hunting attention exact

please nation independence national

A Biography of Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, May 20

1) Read on Raz-kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Put Spelling List Week 28 in alphabetical order (ABC order)

3) Read the poem "Fifth in Line" and answer the questions that follow

Fifth in Line

Thursday, May 21

1) Read on Raz-kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Write at least 8 sentences using spelling words from spelling list 28

3) Play another round of "Parts of Speech Quest 1: Nouns". Next week will be part 2 on verbs!

Friday, May 22

1) Read on Raz-kids or "real books" for 25 minutes

2) Read "The Best Picture". This is similar to what you have already done, choosing the word that best fits the sentence.

The Best Picture

Week of May 11th - May 15th (Week 5)

Answers to Week 4 Work

Work for week 5 will be posted below this. Feel free to check the work that was completed last week!

Monday May 11

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and answer the questions that follow.

3) Spelling List, week #27

liked swimming buying icing

worried settled trying compare

rolling talked leaving decimal

singing hurried diving simplify

The Three Billy Goats Gruff - A Norwegian Story

Tuesday, May 12

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Put Spelling List, Week 27 in alphabetical order (ABC order) - given Monday May 11th

3) Write at least 8 sentences using spelling words. Remember to underline or highlight the spelling words you use so that they are noticed easier.

Wednesday, May 13

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read the poem "Cake Mix Cookies" and answer the questions that follow.

Feel free to try and make these! If you do, I would love to see photos!

3) Remember Nouns - person, place or things.

Some nouns are common (not using the actual name) - lion, girl, boy, cat, dog, elephant, father, mother, green pepper, school, island, ferry

Some nouns are proper (using the actual name) - Kayden, Gracie, Grand Manan Community School, Grand Manan Adventure, Ms. Cook, King Street

Try playing this game! You need to work your way through the castle defeating enemies by deciding if the word given is a proper or common noun! Good luck! Remember that it is just a game.

Cake Mix Cookies - Poem

Thursday, May 14

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Play a few rounds of Must Pop Words

3) Use this writing prompt - write good solid sentences. I need more than 8 sentences... try your best!

"If you could make a new school rule, what would it be?"

Friday, May 15

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read "Playing the Game". This is like previous ones that we have done - choose the word that fits best in the sentence.

Playing the Game

Week of May 4th - May 8th (Week 4)

Answers to Week 3 Work

Work for week 4 will be posted below this. Feel free to check the work that was completed last week!

Monday, May 4

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read "The Wild World of Sharks" and answer the questions that follow

3) Spelling List Week 26

cabin behind family lightning

rule rewind brother volts

music focus motel complex

tiger belong conduct particle

The Wild World of Sharks

Tuesday, May 5

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Put Spelling List, Week 26 in Alphabetical Order (ABC Order)

3) Play "Must Pop Words"

For this game, balls will fall on to the screen. As they fall, see if you can find any words. As you find words, type them using your keyboard; once typed hit enter. Some times you will have a chance to earn bonus points. The goal is to not let there be 50 balls on the screen at a time; if there is the game is over.

Wednesday, May 6

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes.

2) Play "Word Find/Make a Compound Word"

If you need an explanation, there are instructions under Thursday, April 30th

3) Read the poem "Football" and answer the questions that follow

Football Poem

Thursday, May 7

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Play "Must Pop Words"

For an explanation of the game, see Tuesday May 5

3) Write a story about two unlikely friends.

For example: a pig and a hamster, a bird and a fish

Friday, May 8

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read "The Fish Kite". This is like the other reading pieces you have done. As you read, pick the word that makes the most sense in the sentence.

The Fish Kite

Week of April 27th - May 1st

Answers to Week 2 Work

Work for week 3 will be posted below this. Feel Free to check the work that was completed last week.

Monday, April 27th

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real" books for 15 minutes

2) Read "The Last Great Race on Earth" and answer the questions that follow.

There are quite a few comprehension questions that go with this reading. I would suggest doing them bit by bit. I don't want to overwhelm anyone with too much work! If all the questions do not get completed, that is okay! But, like always, try your best!

3) Spelling words, Week 25

1) winter 5) market 9) always 13) continuity

2) army 6) basket 10) cowboy 14) change

3) cellar 7) welcome 11) lasso 15) worth

4) garden 8) until 12) barter 16) whose

The Last Great Race on Earth

Tuesday, April 28th

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Complete the writing piece, "Planning for the Iditarod Trail"

In this writing piece, you are going to write about 3 extra things you would bring on your dogsled if you did the trail. You have to explain why you would bring those three things.

Planning for the Iditarod Trail

Wednesday, April 29th

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Practice putting words in alphabetical order (ABC order) using the spelling list provided on Monday

3) Play "Contraction Action" game.

Thursday, April 30th

1) Read on Raz-kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Play "Make a Compound Word" - in this game, the letters are scrambled up. You need to make some words (like we did in class) and find the main word. The main word is made up of all the letters and is a compound word! It's a tricky game, so try your best!

3) Read the poem "The Lost Bag" and answer the questions that follow.

The Lost Bag

Friday, May 1st

1) Read on Raz-Kids or "real books" for 20 minutes

2) Read "Their First Train Ride"

This is like the different ones you've already done. As you read the story, choose the word you think best fits in the sentence to make it complete.

Their First Train Ride

Week of April 20th - April 24th (Week 2)

Answers to Week 1 Work

Work for week 2 will be posted below this. Feel free to check the work completed from last week!

Monday, April 20th

1) Read on Raz kids or "real" books for 20 minutes

2) Work on a journal entry in your COVID-19 journal or time capsule.

3) Read "Insects for Dinner" below and answer the questions that go with it.

4) Spelling List - I decided to start at week 24. So here it is.

1) notebook 5) everyone 9) baseball 13) knowledge

2) sunset 6) football 10) hallway 14) outcome

3) bookcase 7) sunshine 11) outdoors 15) organize

4) classroom 8) rainbow 12) quiet 16) review

Insects for Dinner

Tuesday, April 21st

1) Read on Raz kids or "real" books for 20 minutes.

2) Practice Alphabetical Order (ABC Order) using the spelling list given on Monday.

  • Write the alphabet down if it will help you with this.

  • Remember that if you have two words that start with the same letter, you go to the second letter. Are those the same or different? If they are different, list the word that comes first. If they are the same, continue through the letters until one is different - then list the word that comes first. For example; cook, caught, catch.. all words start with c, go to the next letter; 2 words have a, go to the next letter, u and t, which comes first? ABC Order: catch, caught, cook

Wednesday. April 22nd

1) Read on Raz Kids or "real" books for 20 minutes.

2) Do another journal entry in your COVID-19 journal, or a page in your COVID-19 time capsule.

3) Read "Rabbits in the Garden".

This is just like "The City Walk" that you did last week. As you read, pick the word that goes best in the sentence/makes the sentence makes sense.

Rabbits in the Garden

Thursday, April 23rd

1) Read on Raz Kids or "real" books for 20 minutes.

2) Read the poem "Springtime" below and answer the questions that follow.

3) Use this link and play "Contraction Action". In this game, you need to use the slingshot to hit the contraction for the words that they give you.

Springtime Poem

Friday, April 24th

1) Read on Raz Kids or "real" books for 20 minutes.

2) Using the spelling list provided on Monday, find all of the compound words.

Remember that compound words are two (or possibly more) words squished together to make one new word.

3) Use the link on Thursday, April 23rd to play "Contraction Action".

Week of April 14th - April 17th (Week 1)

Tuesday, April 14th

1) Read on Raz Kids for 15 minutes

2) Start a COVID-19 journal - it can be on loose leaf, a scribbler, binder, whatever you have at home. This should be like a quick PJ entry.

--> Maybe you've already started a journal. We are living through history right now! Your kids and grand kids will learn about this in school! Keep track of what you do during this time. School has been out since March 13th, and I don't expect you to go back in time and write down every detail you've done since then, but start keeping track now! Just a few simple notes about what you did that day - make sure to include the date! See my example below.

Example of a journal entry

Wednesday, April 15th

1) Read 15 minutes on Raz Kids

2) Make another quick journal entry about your day.

3) Read "The City Walk" (found below). As you read, you will see words in brackets ( ) and bolded. As you read, you need to pick the word that belongs in the sentence.

--> For example; While walking in the woods one (table, sun, day) I heard a scary noise.

The City Walk

Thursday, April 16th

1) Read 15 minutes on Raz Kids

2) Make another journal entry.

3) Read "The Snowman" and answer the questions that go with it.

The Snowman

Friday, April 17th

1) Read 15 minutes on Raz Kids

2) Do another journal entry

3) Dressing Up A Sentence

Remember doing "Dressing Up a Sentence!"? We take boring sentences and turn them into juicy sentences, like the juiciest, most delicious hamburger you've ever had in your life. I have given you two "Dressing Up a Sentence" sheets and two boring sentences. Remember that we have to have adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs, and where in our sentence. These things will be explained before the sheets for you to fill out. Do your best and make some juicy sentences!

Dressing Up a Sentence