
Bonjour tout le monde! le lundi 8 juin, 2020

A few more videos with some some common phrases.

Bonjour tout le monde! - le lundi 1er juin, 2020

  • Continue listening to French radio, television and internet.

  • Listen and repeat. Sing in French/Chantez en francais.

  • Practice speaking with your friends and relatives.

  • Continue reading product labels in both languages.

  • Find new French words in a French/English dictionary, or online. Find a new word everyday and use it at least five times that day. Keep using it all week, when it comes up in conversation.

Bonjour tout le monde! - le lundi 25 mai, 2020

Some more fun videos to watch. Have a fabulous week. Voici quelques videos a regarder. Ayez une semaine extrordinaire.

Bonjour tout le monde! - le lundi 18 mai, 2020

Some more fun videos to watch. Have a fabulous week. Voici quelques videos a regarder. Ayez une semaine extrordinaire.

Bonjour tout le monde! -le lundi 4 mai, 2020

  • Continue to listen to French radio, television and music.

  • Listen and repeat.

  • Continue to read packaging in both languages

  • Pronouns are as follows: Je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles or I, you (singular), he/she, we, they and you (plural masculine/feminine)

  • Some common phrases:

  • Je m'appelle Mme Watts, comment t'appelles-tu? I call myself Miss Watts, how do you call yourself?

  • J'ai 45 (quarente cinq) ans, quelle age as-tu? I have 45 years, what age are you?

  • Comment ca va? How's it going?

  • Ca va bien. Ca va mal. Comme ci, comme ca. It's going well. It's going bad. So, so.

  • the verb to have present form: J'ai, tu as, il/elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont.

  • the verb to be present form: Je suis, tu es, il/elle est, nous sommes, vous etes, ils/elles sont.

Bonjour tout le monde! -le lundi 28 avril, 2020

Listen and repeat. Speaking is the hardest part of language acquisition, practice makes better. Have fun!

In addition to finding all opportunities to listen to and read French, I encourage you to create a French country project. Find the information for the English version, in the literacy section, and then search it, en francais. The facts to find are as follows/ les faits a trouver sont en suite:

Projet d'un pays: Choisi un pays qui t'interess.

Trouves les faits suivants-ville capitale, d'autres villes importantes (3), la population, les industries (travail), animaux (3), arbres (3), arts, culture, traditions, religion, la terre and le climate, les ressources naturelles (3), maisons , langues parlees, l'argent, les chefs d'etats, une carte de ton pays et d'autres faits interessants.

April 14th

Watching French television and/or listening to the radio in French, are both great ways to hear, and practice the language. Repeat what is said. Listen and repeat. Ecoutez et repetez. It is also beneficial to hear various people speak the language.

Reading bilingual packaging, such as ingredients lists, is also helpful. Most products have both English and French printed on the packaging. Try both, for fun. Essayez les deux, ca sera amusant.

Speak with your friends. Have a daily French hour, when all activities take place in French (en francais).

Enjoy some read aloud time or learn a craft in French. Procedural activities are generally demonstrated with gestures while speaking. Enjoy! Jouissez!