3/4 Cook

Links to my Language Arts, Math and Science/Social Studies pages

Announcements for Tuesday May 19th - Friday May 22nd

Thank you to those who gave feedback on the website.

On Thursday, at 2pm, Doug from Mystery Science will be having a live session! Look for the link on the science page!

Continue reading and doing quizzes on Raz-Kids! I'm seeing some awesome improvement and I'm giving bonus stars!

We will have another class meeting, on Google Meet, Friday at 11am! I'll post the link in the Facebook group on Thursday. For those who are not in the Facebook group, I will send you the link directly.

Announcements for Monday May 11th - Friday May 15th

If you have not yet filled out the Google Form about feedback on the website, please do! It will help me come up with ideas as we finish out our time with distant learning. I will leave it up this week, and then take it down. Thank you to those that have filled it out already!

I'm looking at my schedule with the hopes of having a class wide video call this week! I know they are missing each other, so the call would be a catch up and talk craziness call.

I'm still giving bonus stars to those who have been reading and doing quizzes on Raz-Kids. If the Raz-Kids account needs adjusting, and you can't figure out to do it, please send me a message.

Always remember that I'm here to help and reduce frustrations levels, so please don't hesitate to message me!

Announcements for Monday May 4th - Friday May 8th

Parents/Guardians - please fill out the Google Form giving some feedback on the website and the work given to date. It is 6 questions long. It will remain posted for one week before I take it down!

Don't forget to continue doing the quizzes after you are done reading on Raz-Kids. I will be continuing to give out bonus stars to students I see working hard on their reading!

There will be more Science and Social Studies posted for this week.

Always remember that it is important that you are looking after number one - you and your family. If you cannot complete all the work, no worries! As long as there is a little reading, a little writing, and some math facts happening each day, I'm a happy teacher! Also remember that I am here to help and lower stress/frustration levels. I'm just a message, email, video chat, or phone call away! Please do not hesitate to contact me!

Announcements for Monday April 27th - Friday May 1st

Please don't forget to do the quizzes following the reading; the quizzes help improve their comprehension! Keep up the awesome work! If things need to be adjusted, level wise, do not hesitate to contact me. I think there is way for you to do it on your end, also. I have given more bonus stars to students and recorded messages! You can find my voice recording under the "Messages" tab on Raz-Kids!

The work this week kind of gets "ramped-up". I posted videos on the math page to explain the different ways to do multiplication. Some have been struggling with multiplication, so I think that these visual representations will help greatly!

Answer keys have been posted on the Language Arts and Math pages - it is a picture of the work done by me. Work for week three will be posted underneath. The work has titles, so you know what to look for.

Announcements for Monday April 20th - Friday April 24th

Answer keys have been posted on the Language Arts and Math pages - it is a picture of the work done by me. Work for week two will posted underneath. I will post the new week of work above the things from the previous week. The topics will be labelled by date so not to overwhelm you with work!

If your child needs to be bumped up or bumped down a level on Raz Kids, please send me a message and I will adjust accordingly. I've been giving bonus stars to students that I see are reading and doing quizzes - I will be giving more out through the course of next week. I also record a message for them, you can find this under the messages section!

Announcements for Tuesday April 14th - Friday April 17th

Welcome to your one stop shopping centre for distant learning!

On this website you are able to see everything that the teachers from kindergarten through grade 5 have posted! Which is wonderful, because if I post something that you, the parents, think is to difficult, or too easy, for your child to do, you can bounce around between the classes to find something, or an activity that better suits the needs of your child! The website will be ready to go on Tuesday, April 14th.

The website will be updated weekly with new activities, and assignments for you to work on at your leisure. I'll post days and topics so that you won't feel overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at you. If there are any struggles, please don't hesitate to contact me, and I'll do my best to help. I'm going to be looking at different ways I can video chat - we are unable to use Zoom, so I'm looking into different, free, servers. Facebook Messenger is always an option if need be.