
Social Studies

The emphasis is mostly on language arts and math. However, I will be throwing in some Science and Social Studies. There won't be much each week, but a couple links to videos for Mystery Science and some videos for Social Studies.

For Science I will post mostly mini lessons. Other times, I will post a full lesson - but I will make sure that it is easy for you to do from home.

Social Studies June 1-June 5

Use this link to learn more about the different biomes in the world. A biome is a larger region of the Earth's surface that has similar climate, plant life, and animal life. There are land biomes and water biomes. This link focuses on land biomes.

Science, May 25-May 29

1) "Why Don't People Eat Ostrich Eggs?"

2) "What Would Happen if You Didn't Have a Skull?"

Social Studies May 25-May 29

Last week I had you design a new coin for Canada, and explain why. This week I would like you design a new dollar bill for Canada. Make sure you colour it and explain why you think Canada should make it a real dollar bill!

Science May 19-May 22

1) "Who Created the Constellations?"

2) Thursday at 2pm, Doug from Mystery Science will be doing a live show! Check it out!

Social Studies May 19-May 22

Design a new coin for Canada.

Be sure to colour it. Make sure to tell me the value of it and what you decided to name it. Then write a small write up about why this coin should be a real coin for Canada.

Social Studies May 11-15

Try this Canada Puzzle!

We haven't learned the flags yet, but look at them below. Then try and match the flag to the provinces and territories.

Science May 4-8

"Can You Outrun a Dinosaur?"

"Why do You Get Goosebumps When You're Cold?"

This is a mini lesson, about 5 minutes long.

Social Studies May 4-8

Play "Follow the Direction (NSEW)" game.

  • Remember learning about the Compass Rose? North, East, South, West

          • Never Eat Shredded Wheat

          • Never Eat Soggy Waffles

          • Remember: North Head, Southern Head, sunRISE (east), sunSET (west)

  • Follow the directions on the left of the game, then CLICK on the square when you land at the final location.

  • The game starts on 3 separate moves, but can increase the number of moves to increase difficulty

Social Studies April 20-24

Review the video and photo of the 7 continents and 5 oceans (April 14-17).

Use this website for a map quiz on the continents and oceans! Try until you get at least 10/12! Do not get discouraged! Practice, practice, practice!

Social Studies April 14-17

Watch the video below to learn about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of our world!