
General Kindergarten Math Outcomes:

**These are just the big ideas that we cover over the course of the year in Kindergarten so that you have a bit of an idea as to what Math in Kindergarten looks like. We will add weekly activities to practice these skills. See below for the activities. **


  • create a pattern (draw it, and build it using objects).

  • copy an existing pattern.

  • continue a pattern.

  • identify the repeating part of a pattern, which is called the core. For example if a pattern is: red blue red blue red blue red blue the core would be red blue. If the pattern was *!+*!+*!+ the core would be *!+


  • count to 10 forward and backward.

  • match numerals 1-10 to a set of objects.

  • identify numbers before and after to 10.

  • create/collect sets of objects to match numerals.

  • understand the terms more than, fewer/less than, the same as/equal.

Shape and Space

  • sorting objects

  • review 3D objects

  • measurement (compare length, mass, and volume of objects).

Week #9

June 8-12th

  • Welcome to the last week of online learning for this school year. We made it!

  • I won't be posting any new work this week, but please keep practicing the skills that I have outlined on this page.

  • If you are interested, Mrs. Jones has posted a list of end of year Kindergarten Math "I can statements" on her Math page. This is a list of skills that we have covered this year.

  • Have a great summer!

Week #8

June 1-5th

  • We made it! Welcome to June! Only two weeks of online learning left!

  • This week will be looking at addition and subtraction. Start off by watching the two videos on the side.

  • The anchor chart shows three different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.

  • Practice, practice, practice.

Solve these word problems. Draw a picture, write a number sentence, and write a sentence to state the answer.

  • Rylie ate two tacos, and her Kylee ate 2 tacos. How many tacos did the girls eat altogether?

  • Aleric used 8 blocks to build a tower. His sister took away 3 of the blocks. How many blocks are left in Aleric's tower?

Week #7 - May 25-29

This week we continue out measurement journey. Now that we have explored and are familiar with length, mass, and capacity I want you to try ordering items based on their length (shortest-longest), mass (lightest-heaviest), and capacity (holds the least-holds the most).

  • To start gather your family and see who is the tallest, and then the next tallest, and so on. You could also try this with your toys; order your dolls from tallest to shortest, or your stuffies.

Here are some other ideas for ordering:

Other activities for Week 7:

  • Please scroll down to week 5 and 6 to find the May calendar. Have your child tell the day of the week, the date, the year, tomorrow's date, etc.

  • Scroll to week 6 and listen to the days of the week and months of the year songs. Have your child practice saying them.

  • Play memory with the number word/numeral flashcards that you made. You can also mix them up and have your student put them in numeral order.

  • Use the flashcards again to play war. When the player flips their card they must say what 1 more is. Whoever has the highest number keeps the card. You can play by saying 2 more than the number, or 1 or 2 less.

Week #6 - May 19-22

This week we will be continuing on with measurment. This week the focus will be on capacity. Capacity in the amount something can hold. Again this week you want to focus on the language your child is using while exploring capacity. Focus on using terms like capacity, more, less, equal, holds more, hold less, overflows, etc.

  1. Go through the pictures on the side with your child. Have them decide which hold more/less.

  2. Do the calendar activities again this week. Practice the days of the week and the months on the year. Check out the videos.

  3. Have your child find today's date on the calendar.

  4. What will tomorrow be? What day of the week? What date?

  5. What is the year?

  6. Continue counting everyday.

  7. Practice building numbers. Build a set of ten items. See how many ways you can divide that set into two groups. Each time you separate them have your child write an addition sentence to go with it. (1 and 9 would be 1+9=10). See how many different ways they can do it. Try it with different numbers.

  8. Solve this word problem. Avery brought 3 dinosaurs to school. Hazen brought 2 dinosaurs to school. How many dinosaurs did they have altogether? Draw a picture to help solve the problem.

Week #5 - May 11-15

Last week we were introduced to Measurement and the comcept of length. This week I would like to move onto mass. Mass is how heavy or light an object is. In kindergarten we don't actually weigh things, we just compare them. Have you child begin by watching these videos.

  • So this week the terms that you should focus on using with your child are heavy, light, heavier and lighter.

  • Start by choosing an object (a mug for example). Have your student gather items from around the house that they think would be heavier/lighter than the mug. Show your child how to use their hands as a sort of balance scale to test each item to see if they are correct.

  • Try making your own balance scale like the one in the photo below. Have your child spend some time "weighing" objects to see which is heavier and lighter.

  • After that you could put an object on one side and see how many pennies it will take to balance. Try with a few different items. Have you child make a guess as to how many pennies it will take to balance.

  • Have your child look at this sheet and tell you which items are heavy and which are light.

I would like for you to work on calendar skills with your child. Practice the days of the week and the months on the year. Use the picture of the May calendar to find out todays date, and the day of the week. Ask some questions such as what day will tomorrow be, what was the date yesterday, how many more days in the month, etc.

Week #4 - May 4-8

May is --> Measurement Month

This week will will begin by exploring length. In Kindergarten we don't actually measure things, we compare them. Check out the poster and video below. You will want to make sure your child knows the terms shorter, longer, and taller.

  1. Have your child trace his/her foot on a piece of paper, and then cut it out.

  2. Select objects from around the house to compare lengths (book, pencil, movie case, adult shoe, etc).

  3. Before using the foot cutout, have your child predict whether the object will be longer or shorter than their foot.

  4. Show your child how to line up the bottom of both of the objects so that they have a common baseline. Determine whether their prediction was correct.

  5. Repeat with several other objects. Make sure they are using the correct language while comparing. (My foot is shorter than the book, or my foot is longer than the crayon.

Number Activities - cause we need to keep counting too!

  • Continue with the counting activities that I have shared previously. Then try this activity.

  1. Get a set of 7 small objects. (beach glass, rocks, lego, coins)

  2. Break the set into two groups, and then count how many are in each group.

  3. State for example, "There are 4 in this group and 3 in this group, and there are 7 altogether."

  4. Challenge your child to see how many different ways he/she can break the set up. Example"Now there are 5 in this group and 2 in that group. There are still 7 altogether." Each time stating how many in each group, and how many altogether.

  5. Help them understand that there are many different ways to build one number.

  6. Try the activity with other numbers up to 10 as well.

  • Play number/number word memory game that you created last week.

  • Solve this word problem--> The puppy chased 8 balls. 3 of them got away. How many balls does the puppy have now? Draw a picture and write a sentence to state the answer. Ex--> The puppy has ____ balls now.

Week #3 - April 27-May 1

  • Make sure you keep your child counting. For example: have them count the number of bananas in the fruit bowl, then ask them how many there would be if there were one more, two more, one, less and two less. Do this type of activity as much as possible.

  • Solve this word problem--> I have 6 chocolate bars and 4 friends. Do I have enough bars to share with my friends so that we can each have one? Draw a picture to help solve the problem, and then write a sentence to state the answer.

  • I was at the beach gathering beach glass with the kids this week and realized there were math activities that we could use the beach glass for. 1) Take an outing, see how much you can find, and when you get home sort it into piles. 2) Then see which pile has the most, which has the least, are there any that are the same? 3) You could also use the beach glass to make patterns. See how many different patterns they can make. 4) Have an adult make a pattern/not a pattern and ask your child to determine if it is actually a pattern. Can you trick them? 5) Another idea is to use the beach glass to count in many different ways. Can they make a set of 10pieces? 8 pieces, 12 pieces etc. 6) Have them count sets of it.

  • Get your child to print the numbers 0-10 on some flashcards. Then make another set of cards with a different color paper and have them practice printing the number words zero-ten. Have your child practice matching the number cards with the word cards. You can also play a matching game by flipping them all upside down and taking turns trying to make matches.

Weekly Activities April 20-26

  • Watch the video from youtube that shows many different ways to represent numbers.

  • Choose a number from 1-10. Represent that number on a piece of paper as many different ways as you can (dice pattern, ten frame, fingers, number word, a set of objects, etc).

  • Practice writing the number words in your best printing. (0-10)

  • Count sets of objects around your house.

  • Create a set of objects for each number up to 10 (1 of something, 2 of something, etc).

Weekly Activities April 13-19

  • Using small toys create some patterns. Make several different types (AB, ABC, AAB, etc).

  • Draw several different patterns using different shapes and colors. When finished, circle the core.

  • Practice counting from 1-10 and 10-1. Challenge yourself to see if you can start at a differnt number. For example start at 5 and go to 10 or start at 8 and count back to 0.

  • I have four people that live in my house. Do you have more or fewer than I do? Use paper to prove/show your answers. Write a sentence at the bottom to answer the question.

  • Count and sort your Easter eggs. How many of each type/color did you get. Which one had the most, which one had the least.

  • Roll a dice, say the number on the dice and what one more and one less than that number would be. Try to do two more and two less also.