Trampoline Park Trends and How to Take Advantage of Them

Among the many niches in the amusement industry, trampoline parks are one of the fastest growing in recent years. From the first one that began in the United States in 2004 to more than 600 parks in 2017, today there are more than 1,500 trampoline parks around the world.

If you are running a trampoline park and want it to be a success, you need to be on top of things. Learn about changing consumer demands, technological advancements, new product development, and the general environment.

This article will help you better understand the current market situation and the trends shaping the industry. We'll also give you some tips on how to get the most out of these trends. To know more information here Trampoline park manufacturer in Europe.

1. Health and safety regulations

Trampoline parks are an exciting place for children and adults alike. It's a pleasure to see people jumping around and laughing knowing you've made their day because you run such a great entertainment venue.

But in addition to providing entertainment, you need to ensure the safety of your customers. Unfortunately, the incidence of injuries has been on the rise. As a result, stricter regulations are implemented in Europe and the rest of the world.

To combat this trend and reduce the chances of injury, homeowners must prepare to implement stricter health and safety regulations. It is part of your responsibility to increase consumer safety.

Some important measures include:

  • Attentive supervision of jumpers

  • Supervision of insurance companies

  • Periodic inspections (both internal and by third parties)

  • Proper configuration and design of trampoline parks.

  • Unwavering adherence to technical industry standards set by the International Trampoline Parks Association

2. The average age of jumpers is getting older.

Trampolines were originally made for the entertainment of children. These little ones love to bounce.

Studies, however, show that the average age of jumpers is getting older.

The highest percentage of trampoline patrons, 35%, is comprised of children ages 6-10. Boys between 11 and 15 years old make up 26% of jumpers. Young children make up 13% of consumers.

New demographic trends are emerging. There is an increase in people in their 20s and 30s participating in this fun attraction. The age group 21-40 now represents 15% of all jumpers.

Another study from the UK shows that teenagers prefer fun activities to traditional sports. During the research, a group of teenagers were asked to choose what they wanted to do. All of them preferred informal fun activities with trampoline topping the list with 49%.

With this change, trampoline park owners cannot get back to normal. It's a great idea to start focusing on expanding your own consumer demographics to meet the needs of older age groups.

Therefore, part of your marketing strategy should also be aimed at attracting adults to your trampoline park.

Additionally, changing your clients' concept from viewing the trampoline park as a venue for toddler birthday parties to an entertainment zone with activities for all ages can bring you in front of more age groups. Consider adding things like obstacle courses, rock climbing, and dodgeball tournaments to increase variety and attract a broader customer base (more on that later).

3. More people are looking for fun ways to exercise

Maintaining health and fitness is a top priority for more individuals today. People striving to eat healthily and keep in shape are constantly looking for better and probably easier ways to achieve their goals.

Routine exercises are not always appealing. And for the less enthusiastic individuals, finding an alternative would be great. For this reason, there is an increased need for fun ways to exercise and get in shape (or keep in shape).

What’s more interesting, scientists have reported that trampolining is actually a great way of exercising. Compared to jogging, bouncing on a trampoline is 68% more effective than a cardiovascular workout. They call it the “rebound therapy”.

With this in mind, trampoline park owners can benefit greatly from promoting their parks as a fun way to exercise. Advertise the health benefits your consumers can get from rebounding on the trampolines.

This approach means you can focus on a broader demographic and reach a larger market, which means more customers for your business.

You may need to also include other specialized equipment that customers can use to get in shape.

All this is targeted at being able to promote your trampoline park as a place where consumers can get a dose of healthy physical activities.

4. Increase in online ticket booking

As more people spend time on the Internet, consumers find it convenient to transact online. This includes booking tickets for attractions, and trampoline parks are one of them.

Research shows that approximately 40% of tour and activity bookings are made online.

More specifically, the use of mobile Internet has become increasingly popular and preferred among Internet users.

According to Statista, as of August 2019, 51.65% of all Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, excluding tablets. Asia is in the lead and mobile devices account for over 62% of web page visits.

Trampoline park owners can greatly benefit from offering booking services online (as well as on site) for their ticket reservations.

Have all the necessary details online so that customers can make full reservations, for example include dates, time, number of tickets, and customer information. If possible, allow customers to sign their waivers online as well. This way, they can go straight to having fun immediately once they get to the park.

5. Increased demand for a variety of activities

The trampoline park industry has come a long way. Initially, you will only find trampolines filling most of the parks. For example, the CEO of Urban Air says that trampolines took up about 80% of his first park.

With the growth of the industry, a lot has changed and more activities are now offered at trampoline parks.

This is happening as a result of increased demand for variety from customers.

Today, consumers are looking for entertainment and fun that will keep them engaged for longer. The excitement of moving from one activity to another on a trampoline park keeps them coming back for more.

The anticipation of trying a new activity or new equipment on the next visit is also a bonus.

Trampoline park owners interested in adapting to market trends can benefit from this diversification. Create an environment where there is uninterrupted activity and excitement from the moment a customer arrives until they leave.

Some of the activities you can include to meet customer demands and create variety are ninja fields, climbing walls, laser tags, and basketball hoops. You can also have themes to cater to different client groups, for example date nights, fitness sessions, toddler time, etc.

In short, trampoline park owners should keep the parks interesting and entertaining.


If you're already running a trampoline park and didn't know about these trends or haven't taken advantage of them yet, we hope you'll get started as soon as possible. Take one step at a time, implementing one strategy before moving on to the next.