How to Hire a Private Investigator

The first thing to know is what a Georgia Private Investigations firm does. Many times they will handle cases that need individual attention that law enforcement agencies cannot provide. Some examples are:

• You know your wife has been cheating on you but you have no proof. Before starting the divorce that precedes it, you need to make sure you can prove her case. A Georgia private investigator can gather the evidence he needs to take to court.

• You own a store and your employees or customers are robbing it blindly, but you cannot afford to hire full-time security personnel. You can hire an Atlanta private investigator to keep an eye on your merchandise and the cost of hiring them will be offset by the amount you save from a decrease in theft.

• Someone managed to steal funds from your company, but the thief was a computer expert and went into hiding by deleting files and locking hard drives. An Alpharetta principal investigator trained in computer forensics can still recover data from a damaged hard drive in most cases and, once done, can trace file usage and network access back to the perpetrator.

• There are many other situations where you may need the help of an experienced private investigator, but the above should give you a broad idea of ​​how to apply your skills.

When looking for an experienced Georgia private investigator, try to find retired police officers or military police. They will have the necessary training to testify in court, take clear notes, and will generally be fully licensed for the job at hand, including carrying a firearm when necessary. Atlanta private investigator specializes in a specific service, so you'll want to know what that is up front.

A good Atlanta private investigator firm will offer a wide range of services to their clients. There is some overlap between the categories, but they generally dive into personal services, corporate services, and technology-based services.

When a person hires a Georgia private investigator, he often seeks help with very personal issues. The most popular reasons for hiring a private investigator company fall into this category. Some situations in which you will need the help of investigators are:

• Missing persons: the police usually cannot help you until a certain time has passed, in case the person in question has gone on a trip or left of their own free will. Let people's loved ones know that something is wrong much faster and then it is best to hire a Georgia Private Investigations firm to start looking for them right away.

Divorce - This is the most popular reason for hiring an Alpharetta private detective. When you need proof of your spouse's adultery, hiring a private investigator is often the only way to obtain it.

• Child support or custody: When people move or change their names, the courts do not have the resources to locate them. In this situation, people find it best to have an Atlanta Private Detective dedicated to finding the homeless parent. If one parent receives custody of a child, that does not always mean that it will always be the best option. If that parent's circumstances change and begin to endanger the child, an Atlanta private detective can gather the evidence necessary to have the child removed.

When companies find out they need help with Georgia private investigations, it's about a lot less emotional. A private investigator form can help companies with:

Background check: Generally, companies use online services to find out about current or future employees. That information is sometimes unverified or has been entered in error, so they will hire a private investigator company to do a deep verification of someone.

• Loss Prevention - Some stores cannot afford to hire a full-time security person to protect their store from theft, so a private investigator is an inexpensive option.

• Workers' Compensation - While anyone injured on the job deserves compensation, some employees will lie about an incident to get benefits and not have to work anymore. Those claims hurt productivity and morale, so store owners will hire an Atlanta private investigator to verify the claim.

• Fraud - This is like workers' compensation cases, but fraud involves anything the person has intended to cheat on. The only way to find out the truth about the fraud is to hire a private investigator to keep an eye on them and collect evidence of the hoax.

The last reason to hire a private investigator is computer forensics and the need is growing. So many crimes are committed with computers that a principal investigator must be trained in how to track security access and ways to recover information from a hard drive that has been erased or formatted. Often times, they will have to trace the perpetrators through data streams to the point of origin.

When interviewing the private investigator, there are some questions you should always ask:

• How many cases like mine have you done and what was the result?

• How long have you been a private investigator and what was it before?

• Do you have a license for the state in which we will work?

• Are you fully insured and bonded?

• Will you be handling my case or will it be turned over to another investigator?

• Can you ensure my confidentiality and how will you do it?

• How much is it going to cost me?

Once you have found a Georgia private investigation firm that you can trust, prepare to tell the principal investigator all about the situation. Do not withhold anything or you may make it impossible for them to do their job. If you are honest with them, they will most likely return the results you are looking for.


One of Atlanta's leading private investigation firms is Astinel Security & Forensics. They offer all of the above services. Find here more about Atlanta Private Investigators.