Face Masks Or Respirators - Which One Should You Go For?

Workplace safety is extremely essential as workers are always surrounded by heavy machinery and hazardous materials. And one of the most important parts of the human body that can be irrevocably damaged is the face. While there are safety glasses to protect our eyes and earplugs to protect our hearing, there has always been a debate about face masks and respirators: which of these two items is better and should be used more often.

But more than any physical injury, these face shields are more efficient at preventing harmful materials from entering the airways. Whether it's tiny dust particles or radioactive contamination, these two face shields are effective when it comes to getting the job done perfectly. To know more here about the N95 mask manufacturer.

Let's take a quick trip to find out more about face masks and respirators, how different they are from each other, and what are the correct ways to dispose of them. After all, you need to know which one best suits your needs.

What are the masks?

These masks fit loosely over the nose and mouth and protect against sprays and splashes. They not only prevent things from going inside but are also effective in preventing things from going outside. For example, preventing droplets from spreading through the air when the user coughs or sneezes.

However, masks also have a downside. They do not protect the wearer from inhaling small airborne particles due to the loose fit. Face masks are effective when used for small-scale medical and surgical purposes.

What are respirators?

Respirators offer all the benefits that a face mask can offer. On top of that, the tighter fit of a respirator causes the wearer to inhale the air that passes through its filter material. This filter is specially designed to trap small particles in the air and the user breathes cleaner air. Due to their effectiveness, they are widely preferred in both the industrial and medical sectors.

However, you need to make sure that the respirator you choose is of the highest quality. You should look for the NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) seal of approval on the respirator. A NIOSH approved respirator will have the following information printed on it:

  • NIOSH logo

  • NIOSH Certification and Test Number

  • manufacturer name

  • Compatible number, model number, or part number

  • Filter series and efficiency level

NIOSH has nine types of respirators: N95, N99, N100, R95, R99, R100, P95, P99, and P100. The number indicates the percentage of particles that the respirator can filter and the letter shows the level of oil resistance (N =, not oil resistant, R = medium oil resistant, P = strong oil resistant). It is quite easy to understand that the P100 is the most powerful ventilator.


Whatever you choose to use, make sure you don't share it with anyone else. After excessive use, damage or soiling, place it in a plastic bag and throw it away.