Why Many Couples Experience Conflicts

Many couples encounter conflicts and consequently seek help. They seek assistance with conflict resolution and rediscovering intimacy, effective communication, and a vibrant sex life. While these challenges can be addressed through our couples therapy, there are also other ways to seek help.

Balancing a hectic daily life filled with career, goals, and obligations against the backdrop of intimacy, depth, and a fulfilling sex life is incredibly challenging. We often find ourselves lacking time and misprioritizing in our lives and daily routines. Fortunately, help is available.

Understanding what happens to love and the sex life when we neglect presence and attention to each other over the years is difficult. Furthermore, we lack tools to navigate the complexities of repairing our love life and sex life once it has gone awry.

The initial signs that a relationship is veering off course often manifest when daily presence starts to wane. This is followed by more significant and more frequent arguments and a decrease in activity in the bedroom.

Three Causes of Escalating Conflicts

The most common reasons conflicts intensify between partners are difficulties in:

🦋 Finding time for each other

🦋 Understanding and listening to each other

🦋 Nurturing each other sexually

In a busy daily life, it can be challenging to figure out where the extra time will come from, how we can better understand each other, and how we can rediscover the juicy intimacy and sex life. Both partners often long for closeness and depth, but they don't know how to return to it. The situation can seem overwhelming, leading to giving up on untangling the threads as conflicts grow insurmountable. Instead, people may immerse themselves in work, plan the next family vacation, spice up the tense atmosphere with new sex toys or an extra partner, indulge in endless and meaningless baking competitions and lifestyle programs, or find solace in solitude through pornography.

Over the weekend, I went to our summer house with my husband to declutter the factors,manipulation i parforhold, influencing our thoughts and actions.

The purpose of the weekend was to delve deeply into experiences from our past that we hadn't yet processed or released. We aimed to confront our shadows and speak out loud what we might never have shared with anyone.

We were all three prepared for an extensive therapeutic session... deep, deep down.

Creating a Therapeutic Space for Each Other

It was an intense, therapeutic weekend where each day, two therapists held the therapeutic space for the third person. We guided each other deep into the core of pain and its causes, helping each other reach the release we had longed for throughout life.

I believe it is the safest space I have ever been in as an adult woman. In complete trust and security with these two incredibly skilled therapists, I could truly let go.

On the other side of the weekend, I feel a rush, a trust in myself, and a strength that I can't quite explain.

I have let go of something fundamental within myself that I didn't realize had such a hold on me. I was entirely infiltrated by these old thought patterns, behaviors, and reactions, and now I have the consciousness to break free from this captivity.

I see it all now. But my journey is not over. I need to go even deeper, and I hope this little article can inspire others to engage in this crucial and liberating inner work.

It is only through this work that we find the freedom we all seek and long for so deeply.