Guide to Cedar Shakes and Cedar Shingle Roofing

If you are replacing your roof, cedar or cedar shingles are an excellent way to increase the appeal of your home while increasing your home's value. It's easy to see why someone would want to add cedar shakes or cedar shingles to their home. The beauty of cedar is unmatched by any other roofing material. But how do you choose what type of cedar roof to put on your home? The following paragraphs will help you understand the terminology of cedar shake and cedar shingle. Recommended here more about this article.

Cedar shakes and cedar shingles are either CCA treated or non-CCA treated. CCA stands for chromated copper arsenate. CCA is a preservative that inhibits the growth of mildew, mold, and fungi and prevents insects from eating your beautiful cedar roof. CCA cedar can make your roof last longer, but CCA is NOT a FIRE TREATMENT. Fire-treated cedar is available, but your roofer must specially order it. CCA-treated cedar typically costs 15-20% more than non-CCA cedar. Most cedar roofs are not CCA treated.

Hand-split and resawn cedar wood comes in two different grades and many different thicknesses. Quality cedar shakes or shingles are made from clear heartwood and are 100% edge grain. Class 1 cedar is also made from clear heartwood but has a maximum of 20% edge grain. Two of the most popular thicknesses of cedar shakes or clapboards are heavy and medium. Heavy cedar has a minimum end thickness of 3/4" (19 mm), while medium cedar has a minimum thickness of 3/4" (13 mm). When you hear the term "perfection," it has nothing to do with how much "perfect" heartwood the cedar contains. "Perfection" means the cedar shake or clapboard is 18 inches long. Perfection Shakes and Shingles come in all 4 different grades.

There are a total of 4 different varieties of Red Cedar. The following list includes the four types of cedar shingles and cedar shakes:

Blue Label: This variety has 100% heartwood, 100% edge grain and no defects. They are the "perfect" clapboard or shake. This cedar is also the most expensive of the four.

Red Label: Red Label Cedar isn't as "perfect" as Blue Label, but they're still a very good shingle. About 66% of shingles are heartwood. It has limited amounts of sapwood and flat grain. It also has a limited number of knots and defects over the clear portion of the clapboard.

Black Label: Black Label Cedar is a cut below Red Label shingles. They have clear heartwood in about 50% of the shingle. Like Red Label, Black Label shakes and clapboards have a limited number of knots and defects over the clear portion of the clapboard.

Undercoursing: Undercoursing is not suitable for most outdoor applications. It is primarily used at the rake of your cedar roof as a start bar.

Cedar shakes and cedar shingles are beautiful and a great investment too. Knowing terms like CCA, Premium Grade, Number 1, Blue Label, and Black Label will help you choose the right cedar roof for your home.