What Is Home Soft Play Equipment Made from?

Soft game for your home

If you've ever enjoyed a day trip to a soft play center with your toddler, you may want to consider soft play equipment for the home. Learn everything you want to know about home soft play equipment, including what it is made of and how long it will last.

And if you want to buy soft play equipment for home use, do not hesitate to consult the House of Play offer through our online store. We supply soft play equipment for shopping malls, nurseries, and everyday homeowners. Get more here about soft play manufacturer.

What is home soft play equipment?

Soft home play equipment is play equipment items made from soft materials that allow safer play for younger children and toddlers. The soft play equipment you find in commercial play centers is identical to the home soft play equipment, but scaled down or adapted for home use.

Common types of home soft play equipment include building blocks, seesaws shaped like different animals, and short gliding and walking apparatus. Items are typically placed on soft mats designed for this type of play. Young children love exploring soft play equipment at home in a corner or playroom, and parents can relax knowing their child is playing in a safe environment.

What is soft play equipment made of?

The soft play equipment is made of dense foam PVC coated faux fur. These two materials ensure that the equipment remains smooth and perfect for safe play, as well as being easy to maintain and clean.

One way to differentiate the best soft play gear from the not-so-great options is to look at the type of foam used. One of the best options is V24 foam, which combines optimal density with weight to allow for safe and comfortable play.

House of Play uses V24 foam in all of our home soft play equipment. We use this type of foam, and foam of comparable high quality, in commercial products and in our soft play equipment for the home. This is to ensure that our products will stand the test of time.

But it's not just the premium foam options that make our products so popular. We manufacture all of our products in Great Britain using the best technologies and people. From premium foam to meticulous stitching, you are guaranteed smooth and durable play equipment for shopping malls and home game rooms.

Choosing cheap soft play equipment can end in tears!

Manufacturers of soft play equipment have a responsibility to create durable products. But part of the responsibility falls on the parents to keep the products clean and well cared for. This may include detecting any manufacturing problems or failures so that the supplier can evaluate the product and possibly offer a repair or replacement service.

Is home soft play gear worth it?

Soft play equipment is one of the best forms of play that a toddler or toddler can experience. It provides a number of benefits, starting with safe gaming experiences conveniently at home.

The other benefits of using soft play equipment at home include:

  • Motor skills development

  • Increased confidence

  • Cognitive development

  • Problem-solving skills

  • Enjoy and fun in general!

Because of these benefits and many others, it is easy to see why soft play equipment pays off for parents and their children. If you want a convenient and safe way to provide home play opportunities, purchasing soft play products is a great solution.

Do I need a game room to have soft play equipment for the home?

If you already have a dedicated playroom at home, you can transform all or part of this space into a soft play area. However, even if you don't have the ability to create a full home playroom, you can still benefit from soft home play equipment by creating a soft play nook or nook.