How to Choose the Best Movies For Your Children

First of all, parents need to loosen up and give their children some space. The movies that are aired on kids TV channels like Cartoon Network and Nick are reviewed under parental guidance and if your kid fits the age limit then they can watch them safely.

With this in mind, as a parent, you need to be aware that not all animated films are made for young children. Unlike cartoons, animated films actually have a large following with fans ranging in age from 6 to 96 years old. Countless companies and creators make films intended for more mature audiences. Visit more here about this or similar articles.

Luckily, just like all other movies and DVDs, children's movies have age ratings, making it easy for you to decide which movies are right for your kids. However, parents need to keep in mind that there are various cultural differences when it comes to animated films. First, not all animated films have happy endings. Since there are many movies in which characters die, this is a crucial aspect for parents to think about what is the appropriate age for their child to start facing the harsh realities of life. The main concern of parents is the sexual content in the animated films since many cultures have a conservative mindset and these films correspond to their cultural values. As previously mentioned, many animated films are designed for older audiences. Just because they are animated doesn't make them a suitable movie for your child.

Violence is also another area of concern for parents as cartoons become increasingly violent. In fact, one of the hottest animated genres are the action and adventure movies that contain a significant amount of violence. Such movies feature a significant amount of fighting, usually in the form of martial arts and even gunfights that make the characters look quite gory and injured.

If you, as a parent, are uncomfortable with the idea of your kids watching the wrong animated films, then you should relax as not all animated films are filled with nudity and violence. On the contrary, there are numerous films that are suitable regardless of the age of your child.

The key is to make sure your kids are only watching the movies they are meant to see, so it is advisable to watch them beforehand or even better watch them with your kids as that will give you a good opportunity to bond with them and find out what they like and don't like.