How to Take Part in the American Ninja Warrior

If you've been taking your child to our Ninja Warrior classes, you might want to think about seeing if you can do it yourself. However, how do you go from couch to TV star? The process is easier than you think. However, there are a few things to think about if you really want to be the next American Ninja Warrior. To know more here about this ninja course.

Get in shape

First, you need to be in the best shape of your life. Working on your cardio, strength, and agility will be vital to participating in the program. You should mix running, swimming, rock climbing, strength training, and even yoga. It is essential that you train all muscle groups to ensure that you do not have a weak link.

Go to a ninja warrior gym

Although not required, most competitors will train at these gyms. Ninja gyms are perfect for getting a closer look at the real obstacles you'll face in competition. Also, many members will understand your goals. Although competitive, these gyms are also a family. Making sure you can get there when they get there starts to become a goal as well.

Try an obstacle course

Although they are nothing like Ninja Warrior, trying courses like Tough Mudder or Spartan Race will let you know how well you are progressing. Working various lengths and numbers of obstacles will ensure that you can test the limits of your speed, strength, and cardio at different times and with different factors.

Apply early

When you apply to be in the program, you must do so as soon as possible. The team that reviews applications looks at everyone! This means that the later the requests arrive, the more you have to try to get into the request pool. It is estimated that 90% of applications arrive during the last three days of the application period. As such, they end up watching thousands of videos in the previous week, making the above apps that much more critical.

How to request the Ninja Warrior

Tell a story

Your personal story is more important than your ability. All who apply are strong. What matters is the story that got you there.

Always shows

Instead of talking about your skills or your history, try to show them off. Use images that show a movement or a race. Being able to see is more important than being able to hear.

Keep energy levels high

Within the first thirty seconds, pitchers need to know that their personality is what they're looking for. What are they looking for? Energy. You need to show them that you have what it takes to wow an audience.

Think about a first date

You should sell yourself in this video. Think about what makes you unique and why you are better than others. Use that to your advantage.

Keep editing simple

You don't have to edit amazing background music or music synchronized with push-ups. It helps, but too much editing can actually do more harm than good. After all, you are the competitor, not the filmmaker.

Record quality images

When you make the footage you need to apply, you want to make sure you have a high-quality final cut. You must work to be enthusiastic and personable. At the same time, you need to work to make sure your voice can be heard over the background music and that the lighting is appropriate for the space.


If you're looking to get into the American Ninja Warrior, then there are a few things to keep in mind.