What to Expect from a Decent Dental Hygienist

Most of us think that a quick brushing once or twice a day, along with an occasional exercise with old floss, will keep our teeth in tip-top condition. Good dentists and dental hygienists know better. If you want to keep your teeth as long as possible, you need to keep them clean. And visit a hygienist regularly. Patients love their dental hygienists...as long as they're good. Click here to know more information about this article.

Good hygienists aren't a dime a dozen, they're a rare breed that really care about your teeth. Many people (wrongly) assume that they are just people who didn't want to shell out all the time, energy, and money to finish dental school. Actually, becoming a dental hygienist requires completion of an accredited dental hygiene program of at least two years in length and passing various state and national exams. Some complete a four-year Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program, which includes courses in oral anatomy and hygiene theory.

Teaching good dental hygiene is an art in itself, and doing it correctly is nothing to sneeze at (especially when your hygienist is looking at your mouth). Look for one that has RDH, or Registered Dental Hygienist, after her name, as a seal of quality and training. That means she or he (usually she) is a licensed oral health professional and has the necessary skills and background to work on her smile.

Duties of a dental hygienist

Dental hygienists do much more than teach young children how to brush their teeth. While dentists diagnose and treat teeth problems, it's up to the hygienist to make sure they stay in good shape. After all, why pay thousands of dollars for dental work, only to let your white teeth turn yellow and rot into tiny stumps? To make sure we keep our teeth in sparkling condition, hygienists can:

* Examine both the teeth and the gums. Also take x-rays and do an assessment of the gums (periodontal)

* Keep a record of any illnesses, abnormalities, etc. The diagnosis of any condition should normally be made by the dentist.

* Clean teeth, removing hard and soft deposits of plaque, calculus (tartar), etc.

* Apply agents that help act as a sealant and/or prevent cavities and cavities

* Administer local anesthesia (in some states dental hygienists are also qualified to apply other types of anesthetics)

* Teach the basics of good oral hygiene and how to prevent tooth decay and gum disease: oral health promotion and protection strategies. This may also include the introduction and maintenance of smoking cessation programs, as well as the importance of good nutrition for strong teeth and gums.

Remember that each individual state has its own licensing agreements regarding what a dental hygienist can do. He or she will work in conjunction with the dentist, but the exact responsibilities depend, at least in part, on state regulation.

Dental Hygienist Overview

If the thought of sticking your hands in someone else's rotten mouth makes you want to throw up, think again. Government findings from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics say dental hygiene is a growth profession and is expected to grow 30 percent through 2016. In part, that's because older dentists who don't employed hygienists retire, younger dentists who do are taking their place.

The growth is also due to dentists wanting to focus on other, perhaps more lucrative procedures, letting their hygienists do more and more. However, due to these procedures, more and more people are keeping their natural teeth longer, rather than relying on dentures. That is also contributing to the demand for proper dental maintenance and protection, making dental hygiene one of the fastest growing professions.