Fast and flexible: How to design a mask-making machine

When the pandemic hit hard in March 2020, a New York City-based manufacturer applied its expertise to an area of ​​greatest need: making masks for frontline medical personnel. Within weeks, the company had developed an innovative mask workcell prototype, a development process that typically takes months. This is how Boyce Technologies Inc. (BTI) works. The company specializes in going from concept to product in the blink of an eye based on manufacturing standards.

Quick response and flexible product solutions are also a Tolomatic operating philosophy. This compatible philosophy meant that Tolomatic could provide a wide variety of electric linear actuators quickly and in the required lengths and configurable options. Another advantage is that Tolomatic is located in the United States. BTI wanted to work with US partners to build a machine made with US parts for better quality, delivery and technical support. To know more here about this article

BTI's success is largely due to its vertically integrated structure. It is also the reason that the company can act quickly. Engineering, prototyping, and manufacturing are integrated in a state-of-the-art facility. BTI makes much of its own equipment and components, from dyes to circuit boards.

The goal was to design a mask cell that was small, fast, and flexible. Existing machines were large, expensive, and single-purpose, requiring a lot of space, and it took a long time to get one. “With the new technology, we knew we could build an agile machine with high-capacity performance in a small footprint for a much lower cost of ownership compared to large machines,” said Tom Powell, Vice President of Business Development at BTI. "We needed something highly configurable that would fit into the smallest possible space."

The next-generation, custom-built material handling machine is expected to be FDA approved and optimized to make a mask every few seconds, 24/7.

Tolomatic in step with fast response approach

The mask making machine is based on the concept of automated work cell to improve efficiency, quality and performance. A primary goal is to maximize production with the smallest footprint and fewest number of workers possible.

The machine has three main stages: 1) material feeding; 2) form and cut; 3) assemble and finish. From the initial material feeding and transfer station, the machine performs form pressing, fabric cutting and welding operations. From there, the formed masks move to assembly stations, where straps and nose pieces are cut, shaped and added to mask molds. The final stations are for packing and quality control inspection.

The machine's state-of-the-art motion control components—actuators, robots, PLCs, servo motors, conveyors, and EtherNet IT-based communication—deliver the agility and speed needed for fast, accurate performance. Robotic assembly and an automated production line allow the machine to be easily adapted to different requirements.

Linear Motion Components

Over a dozen different Tolomatic electric actuators create the linear motion needed to move, form, index, cut, and assemble fabric into masks. Selected based on force, load, speed, orientation requirements and more, actuators are configurable stroke standard products with flexible mounting and configuration options.

Each actuator also has a specific motor mount size to fit Teknic servo motors. Motor dimensions are preloaded into Tolomatic's "Your Motor Here" configurator, so ordering and delivery of these units was very quick. Using the correct motor mount eliminates interface challenges and simplifies setup.