Key Reasons Why You Should Use Laser Hair Removal

If you are sick and tired of having to shave your body every few days and you crave a permanent solution so that you can remain virtually hair-free for life, then there is no better hair removal method than laser hair removal.

Before we get into the benefits of laser hair removal, let's take a look at how it works. Hair removal lasers work by emitting a pulse that travels through the skin, heating the hair shaft and root and destroying it. Because the hair follicle is damaged, hair does not grow back. With the latest laser systems, lasers can target many hairs simultaneously, which means that they can destroy multiple follicles at once. This means that the waxing of large areas of the body can be completed relatively quickly.

Possibly the only complaint you often hear about hair removal lasers is the prices involved. Because multiple sessions are needed for virtually any part of the body (due to the fact that hair grows in three phases), the cost can add up to thousands of dollars. But if one were to look at the price of laser hair removal from the perspective of permanence in the result, then the cost involved may seem reasonable.

In any case, prices for laser hair removal have dropped significantly over the years due to fierce competition, better technological innovation, and a growing volume of customers. According to statistics, the global customer base currently exceeds 6 million and continues to grow.

Laser hair removal is approved by virtually all relevant authorities worldwide, including the US Food and Drug Administration, for any part of the body except those near the eyes. This means that it can be used on the face, armpits, legs, arms, and even private parts.

The side effects of laser treatments are minimal when performed correctly by experts. Possibly the only side effects are some redness of the skin in the treated areas and a tingling or pinching sensation. But these will generally go away in a short period of time.

Some people complain of experiencing pain while receiving treatment and also experience post-treatment irritation. To ensure a comfortable treatment experience and eliminate the possibility of the epidermis burning, overheating and scaring, the latest range of lasers can now automatically spray coolants or cold air onto the skin before each laser pulse. In the case of irritation, topical creams are often provided when deemed necessary.

Before laser hair removal existed, the only solution available to permanently remove unwanted hair was electrolysis. It is a process by which small probes are inserted into each hair follicle, and electricity is passed through them to destroy the follicles. Most people don't like the idea of ​​permanent electrolysis hair removal because it is painful, labor-intensive, and time-consuming to even remove unwanted hair from a small area. Besides that, common side effects include bumps and inflammation of the skin.

Laser hair removal systems, on the other hand, can finish the same job much faster and painlessly. For example, both armpit hairs can be removed in about 10 minutes. Removing unwanted hair from both legs would take about 50 more minutes.

Laser treatment can be performed in a salon, medical clinic, or spa by a qualified physician or therapist. One of the benefits of this treatment is that no one can tell you that you just had a laser hair removal procedure because there are no signs to detect it. There is no bandage, minimal pain (if any), and you can return to the office immediately after treatment, as no "rest" or "recovery" time is required. It's no wonder then that some people refer to laser hair removal as a "lunchtime" treatment.

With a hair-free body quickly becoming a fashion statement, and the ease with which lasers can help virtually anyone achieve their goal of permanent hair removal, it's no wonder then that laser hair removal centers are proliferating throughout. the world.