Are Phone Clairvoyants Real? The Truth About Telephone Clairvoyant Readings

How many phone clairvoyants are real? Do you need to find a celebrity or famous psychic to get a real reading? Are all psychic services created equal ... or are some better than others? If any of these questions sound familiar ... the simple truth is that you are NOT alone. Get more information here

Some simple facts about telephone psychics ... and also telephone-based clairvoyants:

MOST psychic services are NOT authentic. They may have good intentions ... but their psychics are NOT skilled enough to trust. (less than 10% are really good ... and unless you know where to look and who to call, your reading is DOOMED to be bad)

Never trust a clairvoyant, medium, or psychic services who specialize in "spells." Or placing curses. Or light candles, remove hexes, or other nefarious nonsense that is pure marketing nonsense. The truth? The BEST clairvoyants do ONE thing ... and only one thing. Read YOUR emotional energy ... see your past, assess your present and guess your future destiny. (Period)

Phone readings are often the BEST way to get legitimate psychic advice ... even when you prefer to go in person. Why? Because a telephone psychic cannot "cold read" you as easily as in person. Your body language reveals nothing. Your gestures, dress, or physical appearance CANNOT be used to obtain information over the phone. (trust me ... in person, even a clairvoyant with a WELL meaning can pick up on non-verbal communication cues ... and can color reading the wrong way, fast!)

Understand that doing a little due diligence can take a very, very long time!

A good psychic service or a clairvoyant network will have a large following. They will have been in business for a long time. (5, 10, or even 15 years! My PERSONAL FAVORITE service has been in business for over 20 ... since 1989) They'll have good customer service guarantees ... and armored protection for you if you're not satisfied. They won't try to prime you and change you to buy something you DON'T need ... and they will only offer you what you really NEED to find your way.

After 20 years of psychic reading, writing, and research ... the above are among the most powerful lessons I have learned on my own journey. I hope you find them equally enlightening, informative, and helpful as you find your way on your own!