The Advantages of Metal Roofing For Your Log Cabin

A rustic log home can be rounded off perfectly with a metal roof. The durability and variety of metal roof materials make this a great choice for your cabin. Don't be put off by rumors of loud rain or high costs; A well built and installed metal roof will reward you with almost a lifetime of use. Metal roofing is becoming increasingly popular as the public awakens to its beauty, versatility and recyclability.

Metal roofs are more durable than any other roofing material. It is not uncommon for a metal roof to have a 50+ year warranty. Metal can withstand a variety of climates, making it one of the best choices for harsher weather. A metal roof designed to withstand extreme weather is not as easily impressed by hail, thunderstorms or snowstorms. Click here to know more here about this article.

The cost of metal roofing is much higher than other roofing materials. However, considering the lifespan of metal, the overall cost of the metal roof is a much better investment. Think of the cost of materials and labor to replace a traditional roof every 15 years versus once every 60 years!

Metal roofs are also available in a variety of styles and colors. No matter what type of cabin you own, there is a metal roof that can complement the architecture and color scheme. Metal roofs are also resistant to fading, although a beautiful patina can be observed on older roofs. Today's metal roof paint can retain over 80 percent of its color after 20 years.

For the "green" minded, many metal roofing companies use materials with a high percentage of recycled content. One of the biggest advantages of metal is that it can be easily reused instead of adding more material to a landfill.

A very important advantage of a metal roof is that it is fireproof. For cabins with fireplaces and/or wood stoves, this is an important feature. No matter how dry it is, sparks from the chimney will not ignite your roof. (You can ignite debris on your roof, however, so regular maintenance and cleaning is required if your roof is angled in such a way that dead leaves, pine needles, etc. just slide off.)

Some people complain that their metal roof is noisy. This often occurs when the roof has not been properly insulated. A good metal roofing company can advise you on the best materials and strategies to keep your roof quieter. However, many people enjoy the sound of rain on their metal roof - perhaps not least because they know the chances of a leak are slim!

A metal roofing system has specific requirements in order to perform at its maximum. The roof must be able to "breathe" to allow accumulated condensation to evaporate or otherwise exit the building. Metal expands and contracts and the roofing system must accommodate this with special fasteners. Insulation must be carefully applied and the roof installed securely if it is to withstand wind and weather. A professional roofer experienced with metal roofing systems is your best bet to ensure all the details are properly taken care of.