SPRING 2023 

ccsf poster session

SPRING 2023 Biosymposium 

Check out the student posters below:  Internship Research & Career Exploration Posters 

Bioscience Interns have spent 180+hrs over one semester in an internship at a local SF Bay Area lab. Students backgrounds vary from no science coursework prior to coming to the CCSF Biotechnology program to students with Bachelor's degrees in science or higher degrees from institutions outside the United States. All CCSF Bioscience Interns previously completed a Career Exploration in Biosciences course and presented a Career Exploration Poster at a prior CCSF Biosymposium.

Intern: Aaron Hidalgo

Internship Lab: PRHE Program for Reproductive Health and Environment, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Dr. Rachel Sklar

Poster: Spatial visualization of preterm births in California counties using disaggregated race counts

Aaron Hidalgo - Bioscience Internship Poster - UCSF.pdf

Intern: Anjani Attili

Internship Lab: Kampmann Lab, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Emmy Li

Poster: Understanding the effect of APOE4 expressing astrocytes on neurons using CRISPRi-based functional genomics in Alzheimer’s Disease

Anjani Attili - Bioscience Internship - Kampmann Lab - UCSF - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Crystal Ho

Internship Lab: Cel Analytical

Internship Mentor: Dr. Yeggie Dearborn

Poster: Microbial source tracking: Detection of Bacteroidales in water by qPCR Monitoring fecal contamination in San Francisco Bay watersheds

Crystal Ho - Bioscience Internship - Cel Analytical - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Heather Johnston

Internship Lab: Srivastava Lab, Gladstone

Internship Mentor: Dr. Lana Zholudeva

Poster: Tissue Clearing to Investigate Plasticity of Spinal Interneurons after Spinal Cord Injury

Heather Johnston - Bioscience Internship Poster - Gladstone Institutes - Srivastava Lab - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Jane Ton

Internship Lab: Kastner Lab, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Dr. David Kastner

Poster: Evaluation of prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle response (PPI) in a rat model of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Jane Ton - Bioscience Internship Poster - Kastner Lab - UCSF - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Kris Fleming

Internship Lab: Cytokinetics

Internship Mentor: Dr. Roshni Madhvani

Poster: Phenotypic Characterization of 3D Engineered Heart Tissue as a Model of Cardiac Disease

Kris Fleming - Bioscience Internship - Cytokinetics - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Marianne Weinans

Internship Lab: Ramani Lab, Gladstone

Internship Mentor: Dr. Hannah Richter

Poster: Footprinting the Chromatin Landscape Across hiPSC Differentiation to Brown Adipocytes and Skeletal Myocytes

Marianne Weinans - Bioscience Internship - Ramani Lab - Gladstone Institutes - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Max Mueller

Internship Lab: DeGrado Lab, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Dr. Katie Hatstat

Poster: Characterization of Signal Transduction in Histidine Kinases through De novo Protein Design

Max Mueller - Bioscience Internship - DeGrado Lab - UCSF - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Patrick Hurley

Internship Lab: USDA

Internship Mentor: Dr. Brian Rector

Poster: Biological Control Of Invasive Plant Species

Patrick Hurley - Bioscience Internship - Rector Lab - USDA - Spring 2023.pdf.pdf

Intern: Thomas Ta

Internship Lab: Baraban Lab, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Dr. Katie Salvati

Poster: CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-editing to Create a Zebrafish Model of Pretzel Syndrome

Thomas Ta - Bioscience Internship - Barbaran Lab - UCSF - Spring 2023.pdf

Intern: Vee Xu

Internship Lab: DeGrado Lab, UCSF

Internship Mentor: Dr. Katie Hatstat

Poster: Thermodynamic Modeling of the Two-component Signaling System in Histine Kindase Using CpxA-5wlk Chimeras

Vee Xu - Bioscience Internship - DeGrado Lab - UCSF - Spring 2023.pdf

Stem Cell Interns have spent 9 months full time in an internship at a local SF Bay Area lab. Prior to their internships each student completed the CCSF Stem Cell Technology Certificate.

Intern: Candy Beltran-Moreno

Internship: Clelland Lab, UCSF

Poster: Sustained Release PODS for Growth Factor Delivery in Neurons

Candy Beltran-Moreno - CIRM Internship Poster - UCSF's Clelland Lab- Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Erse Duderstadt

Internship: Gladstone Institutes

Poster: Using Longitudinal Microscopy to Investigate Huntington’s Disease Phenotypes in Human iPSC-derived Cortical Neurons

Erse Duderstadt - CIRM Internship Poster - Gladstone Institutes - Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Jessica Chen

Internship: Robinson Lab, UCSF

Poster: Using a hESC Model of Neurogenesis to Study Azole Toxicity

Jessica Chen - CIRM Internship Poster - UCSF's Robinson Lab - Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Joanna Chou

Internship: Kampmann Lab, UCSF

Poster: Using CaMPARI 2 in CRISPR-based Functional Genomic Screens to Identify Potential Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease

Joanna Chou - CIRM Internship Poster - UCSF's Kampmann Lab - Spring '23.png

Intern: Julia Wessman

Internship: Ullian Lab, UCSF

Poster: Timing Is Everything: Optimizing Dopaminergic Neurogenesis with Dox-Inducible Ascl1 Expression

Julia Wessman - CIRM Internship Poster - UCSF's Ullian Lab - Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Kelly Lai

Internship: Meunch Lab, Vitalant

Poster: Development of a New Immunodeficient Mouse Line for Improved Human Engraftment

Kelly Lai - CIRM Internship Poster - Vitalant - Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Sam Hu

Internship: Gladstone Institutes

Poster: Understanding the Function of Lysine Acetylation in the C-Terminal Domain of RPB1in Regulating Transcription Using Human iPSC

Sam Hu - CIRM Internship Poster - Gladstone Institutes - Spring '23.pdf

Intern: Serena He

Internship: Fisher Lab, UCSF

Poster: Immunolocalization and the Role of T Cells in the Human Fetal Membranes

Serena He - CIRM Internship Poster - UCSF's Fisher Lab- Spring '23.pdf

Career Exploration Students have spent this past semester researching and developing a poster on a topic in Bioscience of their choosing in the Career Exploration in Biosciences course. These students come from a wide variety of science backgrounds - some have taken no prior college science courses while others hold a Bachelor's in Biology or other sciences.

Student: Barbara Silva

Poster: Bacterial Biofilm

Barabara Silva BTEC 15 Career exploration poster.pdf

Student: Juliana Azeredo

Poster: CAR-T Cell Therapy

Juliana Azeredo BTEC 15 Career exploration poster.pdf

Student: Page Scott

Poster: Austism Spectrum Disorder

Page Scott BTEC 15 Career exploration poster.pdf

Student: Sumedha Kumari

Poster: Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Sumedha Kumari BTEC 15-Poster.pdf

Student: Viviana Suarez

Poster: Application of Stem Cell Therapy in Treating Diabetes

Viviana Suarez BTEC 15-poster.pdf

For more information about the BioSymposium: Dr. Karen Leung

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