The Biotechnology Program maintains well-equiped teaching labs to insure every student gets a real experience.
The Biotechnology Program maintains well-equiped teaching labs to insure every student gets a real experience.
Cell Culture Facility
Cell Culture Facility
6 Laminar flow hoods with 11 workstations
6 CO2 incubators
10 Inverted phase microscopes
10 Fluorescent microscopes (Zeiss, Olympus, Nikon, Bio-Rad Zoe)
2 Coulter counters
2 BD FACScan analyzers
Classroom seating for 20 students
PCR (standard and real-time)
PCR (standard and real-time)
3 ABI thermal cyclers
2 Bio-Rad T100 thermal cycler
1 ABI TaqMan thermal cycler, for real time PCR
1 Bio-Rad MiniOpticon Real time PCR machine
Other equipment
Other equipment
Two 8-liter bioreactors with controller
Two plate readers
6 Akta Start units for protein purification
60 sets of micropipettes
20 laptops for student use