Zuckerberg & Culture

Zuckerberg vs Musk Cage Fight 

Inside the Vibrant yet Geeky World of Facebook HQ

Location: Facebook Headquarters - Mark Zuckerberg's Personal Office
Characters: Mark Zuckerberg (Zuck), Sheryl Sandberg (COO), an Intern, and Board Members

Scene Starts

The camera zooms into Facebook HQ, cutting through a maze of open-space desks, motivational quotes, and nerdy paraphernalia. Mark Zuckerberg's door swings open, revealing him sitting behind his desk, with a Baby Yoda plushie placed prominently.

Zuck: (holding Baby Yoda) The force is strong with this one.

Sheryl Sandberg: (entering the office) Alright, Zuck, what's on the agenda?

Zuck: Sheryl! Great to see you. (points to his computer screen displaying an ad) What do you think? "Winter is coming, but Facebook is here to keep you warm."

Sheryl Sandberg Contemplates the Throne

Sheryl: Ha, that's catchy. Playing the Jon Snow card, huh? Brace yourselves, Facebook is here!

Zuck: (updating his Facebook status) "Here's looking at you, kid." There, another classic down.

Intern's Whirlwind Entry

An intern bursts into the room carrying a tray with Soylent Green.

Intern: Lunch is served, and guess what? Soylent Green is people!

Zuck: (doing the Macarena while taking the tray) Ah, Soylent! One, Maca-two, Maca-three, Macarena!

Meeting Madness

The scene transitions to a board meeting. The atmosphere is tense.

Board Member: We need answers, Mark. How are you dealing with the new competition?

Zuck: (slams hand on the table) You can't handle the truth!

Just Keep Swimming

The camera pans to Zuckerberg's screensaver, showing a GIF of Dory from Finding Nemo with the words "Just Keep Swimming."

King of the Digital World

Zuck: (excited, talking to Sheryl) Let's do something epic. Follow me!

They both rush to the rooftop of Facebook HQ. Zuck climbs onto the ledge.

Zuck: I'm King of the World!

Houston, We Have a Problem

Cut to Zuckerberg's office, where his computer screen displays an outage message.

Zuck: (grabs an old-school telephone) Houston, we have a problem.

Witty Replies and Quizzes

Camera focuses on Zuckerberg's screen, suggesting witty replies for user comments.

Zuck: "As If!" Haha, I knew keeping up with '90s lingo would pay off someday.

He switches to a new Facebook quiz tab.

Zuck: "A Census Taker Once Tried to Test Me." Haha, let's add a little Hannibal to our quizzes, shall we?

Seeing Beyond the Code

Zuck and Sheryl look at a testing page for a new algorithm.

Zuck: (grinning) I see dead people. A little Sixth Sense for our Sixth update this year?

Scene Ends

Camera fades out on Zuckerberg looking pleased, scrolling through a Facebook feed filled with memes, ads, and a mysterious sense of world domination. All while Baby Yoda watches approvingly.

Fade to black.