Melissa McCarthy

Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT

Melissa McCarthy as "The Rogue Tech Journalist" - Cassidy O'Donnell


Cassidy O'Donnell


Cassidy is a seasoned tech journalist who has been covering the industry for decades. Known for her irreverent sense of humor and knack for uncovering juicy stories, she has a blog that mixes investigative reporting with satire. She's been following the careers of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg for years and wouldn't miss the chance to cover their charity cage fight.


Cassidy is outspoken, energetic, and has a razor-sharp wit. She's unafraid to speak her mind or confront powerful figures, but she also has a softer, more empathetic side that comes out in more intimate moments. Her humor often serves as a coping mechanism for the high-stress situations she finds herself in.

Role in the Story

Cassidy is initially at the event to cover it for her blog, armed with a camera and a snarky attitude. However, when things go south, she becomes an unexpected hero. Her footage becomes crucial evidence and her blog posts shift from cynical commentaries to vital updates that guide public opinion and help unravel the unfolding conspiracy. She uses her platform to rally the "41,000 bitter people," turning a mob into a force for good.


Cassidy begins as a somewhat jaded journalist skeptical about the tech industry's impact on society. As she becomes more deeply involved in the events, her skepticism turns into a call to action. She evolves from a spectator to an influencer who has a substantial impact on the film's outcome. She realizes the power of media and her own voice, and she becomes more responsible about how she uses them.


Why Melissa McCarthy?

Melissa McCarthy's comedic talent would add levity to the story, while her proven range as an actress would allow her to handle the character's more serious, dramatic moments. Her larger-than-life personality would make Cassidy a standout character amid the ensemble cast.


Cassidy O'Donnell, as portrayed by Melissa McCarthy, adds an element of real-world grounding to the film. She represents the perspective of the average person caught in a world of tech moguls and high-stakes drama. Her transformation into a responsible media influencer brings depth to the narrative, demonstrating the potential for personal growth amid chaos.