Gal Gadot

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk 

Scene: Gal Gadot's Living Room, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles

(Gal Gadot is sitting on her plush couch, scrolling through her phone. Her large TV is on, broadcasting news about the upcoming Zuckerberg vs. Musk cage fight. The room is decorated in a chic yet comfortable manner, filled with movie memorabilia and stylish furniture.)

TV Anchor: "In an unprecedented move, tech titans Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have agreed to settle their differences in a cage fight scheduled for October 26, 2024."

(Gal looks up from her phone, intrigued. She picks up her remote and increases the volume.)

Gal: (Talking to herself) "You've got to be kidding this the real-life Iron Man vs. Captain America?"

(Her dog wanders into the room and plops down next to her.)

Gal: "Hey, buddy, who do you think would win? Zuck or Musk?"

(The dog gives her a quizzical look.)

Gal: "You're right; this is too good to keep to myself."

(She picks up her phone and opens Twitter. Starts composing a tweet but stops, chuckles, and deletes it. She thinks for a moment, then starts typing again, smiling as she imagines the public's reaction.)

Gal: (Tweeting) "Wonder Woman has faced many foes, but none as perplexing as the upcoming #ZuckerbergVsMusk cage fight. I mean, one man is fighting to live on Mars, the other is fighting to...well, I don't know, poke us?"

(She hits 'Tweet,' and puts her phone down, satisfied. Almost immediately, her phone starts blowing up with notifications.)

Gal: "Ah, the power of social media."

(Her phone rings. It's a FaceTime call from Ryan Reynolds.)

Gal: (Answering) "Hey, Ryan. Did you see my tweet?"

Ryan Reynolds: (On screen, dressed as Deadpool) "Oh, I did, and I'm writing some killer Deadpool commentary as we speak. But seriously, Gal, are you Team Musk?"

Gal: "Come on, Ryan. He's basically the real-life Tony Stark. Zuckerberg's still stuck in his Web 1.0 world."

Ryan Reynolds: "So you're saying he's still poking while Musk is rocketing?"

Gal: "Exactly!"

Ryan Reynolds: "Alright, you've convinced me. Deadpool is officially Team Musk, too. But just between you, me, and the entire Twitterverse, who would Wonder Woman actually beat in a fight?"

Gal: "Oh, she'd take them both down and then fly off in her invisible jet before anyone could even update their status."

Ryan Reynolds: "Fair enough. See you at the cage fight?"

Gal: "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

(They hang up. Gal looks at her dog, who has now shifted to a more alert position, as if ready for action.)

Gal: "Looks like we're going to a fight, buddy. The question is, should I wear my Wonder Woman boots or not?"

(Her dog barks, as if in agreement.)

Gal: "Boots it is."

(Gal gets up, her eyes filled with excitement and a hint of mischief, wondering how the actual fight will turn out.)

Fade to black.

And there you have it—a fictional scene that could slot right into this wonderfully bizarre universe where tech titans and Hollywood stars collide. Would you like to continue exploring this scenario?