Vanessa Kirby

Musk vs. Zuckerberg fight

Scene: A Luxury Hollywood Condo - Evening

Characters: Vanessa Kirby, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Tom Cruise. Vanessa's living room is full of movie posters and accolades. There's a mini-bar and high-tech gadgets around. A large TV screen is broadcasting news about the upcoming Musk vs. Zuckerberg fight.

Vanessa Kirby: (sitting on a posh leather sofa, sipping champagne, scrolling through her phone) Ugh, another remake? Hollywood needs new ideas.

Doorbell rings. Vanessa walks over and opens the door to reveal Mark Zuckerberg, standing awkwardly, wearing his signature hoodie and jeans.

Vanessa Kirby: Mark! You actually came. Do come in!

Mark Zuckerberg: Thanks, Vanessa. (enters, looking around) This place is... different from my usual surroundings.

Before they can sit, the doorbell rings again. Vanessa opens the door to find Elon Musk, sporting a SpaceX cap and an ironic smile.

Vanessa Kirby: Elon, what a surprise!

Elon Musk: I heard Zuck was here. Couldn't miss the party.

Elon walks in and eyes Zuckerberg cautiously. Both tech giants exchange tense nods. The doorbell rings yet again. It's Tom Cruise, wearing aviators indoors, because why not?

Tom Cruise: Vanessa, darling, I've come to make your party a blockbuster!

Everyone takes a seat. Vanessa grabs the remote and pauses the TV news broadcast hyping up the upcoming cage fight between Musk and Zuckerberg.

Vanessa Kirby: So, we're all here. And we all know why. The fight. But before that, I have an announcement.

Tom Cruise: (leaning in) Do tell.

Vanessa takes a deep breath and turns to the tech moguls.

Vanessa Kirby: I'm Team Zuckerberg.

The room falls silent. Zuckerberg pumps his fist quietly.

Elon Musk: (grinning) You think a Like button can save him in the ring?

Vanessa Kirby: Better a Like button than a spaceship to nowhere.

Tom Cruise starts to laugh, breaking the tension.

Tom Cruise: This is too good. Anyone up for a movie deal?

Mark Zuckerberg: What's the premise?

Tom Cruise: The fight. But imagine this—aliens intervene, and you both have to team up to save Earth. I'll produce and act. Vanessa, you'll play the negotiator between these two worlds.

Vanessa Kirby: Only if I get to do my own stunts.

Elon Musk: Deal, but I'm designing the spacecraft.

Mark Zuckerberg: Only if it has a Facebook Live integration.

They all laugh, clink their glasses together.

Vanessa Kirby: To the craziest fight night Hollywood—no, humanity—will ever see!

Fade to black, cue uplifting music.