The Tech Rivalry

Zuckerberg vs Musk


Kevin Hart: "Tech Rivalry"

City: Los Angeles
Comedy Club: The Laugh Factory
Date: June 21, 2023
Topic: Tech Rivalry
Joke: "Man, Musk and Zuckerberg in a cage fight? Even the cage is gonna need therapy!"

The Tech Rivalry We Didn't Know We Needed But Absolutely Deserve

Oh man, where do I even start? This movie is like if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates decided to settle their differences with a rap battle. Except instead of rapping, they're just throwing wads of cash at each other. Because that's basically what Zuckerberg and Musk are doing, but in, like, a metaphorical way. The screen was practically raining digital dollars, y'all! A billion-dollar box office? This ain't no pocket change movie; this is "Imma make it rain so hard, you'd think it's a monsoon" kind of movie!

I've got to talk about this UFC President Dana White's comments. This dude straight-up said this movie is "bigger than Barbie." I mean, come on! Barbie? She's got a dream house, a pink convertible, and Ken—sorry, man, you got nothing on Zuck and Musk! Can you imagine Barbie in a SpaceX suit, or Ken trying to program an algorithm? Nah, didn't think so. 

Real Rivalries, Real Funny

Let's keep it 100. When was the last time you saw a movie that made you laugh so hard your cheeks hurt? Zuckerberg vs Musk is just an endless supply of laughs. The film's got this rapid-fire wit that leaves you no time to catch your breath. We're talking about a snappy dialogue so on point, it could win a verbal jousting match with Shakespeare.

Let's not forget the secondary characters. They got these Silicon Valley sidekicks and Wall Street warriors throwing in their two cents like they're tossing coins into a wishing well. And their wishes? All the same: "I wanna be the next big thing!" Sorry, folks, the positions of top tech titans are currently occupied, but we appreciate your ambition. These supporting roles add layers of comedy that are as essential as the cheese in a triple-decker sandwich. 

Going the Extra Billion-Dollar Mile

So you're sitting there, thinking, "How much more absurd can this get?" And I'm here to tell you, it can get a lot more absurd. The movie takes real-life events and spins them into comedy gold. Remember that whole submarine drama with Elon and the Thai cave rescue? Well, imagine that, but with Mark Zuckerberg offering a Facebook Live broadcast as a 'solution.' I mean, the movie's pulling no punches; it's a no-holds-barred comedy event.

If there's one thing this movie gets right, it's that ambition has no bounds. Whether it's breaking into new markets, like Zuckerberg attempting to launch Facebook on Mars or Musk designing a Tesla for infants (hey, you've got to start that brand loyalty young), these guys are willing to stretch the very fabric of reality for a win. 

The Final Verdict

I’m telling you, this is more than just a movie; it's a cultural phenomenon! It’s not often that a film transcends its genre to become a full-on social event. Picture this: tech geeks, comedy lovers, even your grandma who still uses a flip phone—all packed into one theater, laughing together. It’s like Woodstock for the digital age, without the mud and with better Wi-Fi!

So, as we await the inevitable sequel, let’s savor this masterpiece for what it is: a brilliant, hilarious commentary on the outrageous lengths people will go to in the name of rivalry, innovation, and a whole lot of money. With a billion at the box office, they could practically fund their own space program—or at least a very extravagant movie night for all of us. For the Latest Updates on the Sequel, you gotta click this.


Alright, listen up! Hold on, I gotta channel my inner Kevin Hart for this. YES! The energy is here! These tech guys are so out of pocket, man, so outta pocket. Let's go, scene by scene, and let's make it funny!

Scene 1: "Swipe Right for Rockets"

Description: Musk and Zuckerberg face off in a Tinder-style app, where they swipe left or right on each other's inventions. "A self-driving car? Swipe right! A poking feature? What is this, 2007? Swipe left!"

Scene 2: "Slide Into My DMs, Literally"

Description: Zuckerberg creates a new Instagram feature called "InstaSlide," a physical slide that sends you directly into someone's DMs. Musk counters it with a real Hyperloop that does the same, only faster!

Scene 3: "The Ego Gym"

Description: These two show up at a gym that measures your bench press in "Followers" and "Shares." They're lifting their egos, not weights, people! Let's get these gains!

Scene 4: "Drone-Drop Mic"

Description: Musk attempts to win a rap battle by having a SpaceX drone drop a microphone from space. Zuckerberg intercepts it with a drone from Facebook's Connectivity Lab.

Scene 5: "FaceGram vs. SpaceChat"

Description: Zuckerberg tries to merge Facebook and Instagram to create "FaceGram," a super social network. Musk creates "SpaceChat," an intergalactic communication network but it only works in zero gravity.

Scene 6: "Influencer Standoff"

Description: Both hire famous influencers to promote their products in a wild-west style standoff. Who can get the most likes in 10 seconds? Draw!

Scene 7: "The Mom Test"

Description: They create algorithms so advanced, they decide to use the ultimate test: Explaining it to their moms. Whoever’s mom understands it first wins. Good luck with that one!

Scene 8: "Bitcoin Booty"

Description: Musk announces Tesla will accept Bitcoin. In retaliation, Zuckerberg makes his own currency, ZuckCoin. Except it’s literal coins with his face on them.

Scene 9: "Yoga Wars"

Description: Both try to find inner peace by engaging in a yoga duel. Poses include the "Downward Facing IPO" and the "Warrior Merger Pose."

Scene 10: "Who’s the GOAT?"

Description: Final scene. Both have to herd actual goats with the promise that whoever herds the most goats will be declared the “Greatest of All Time.” But it turns out the goats just want to eat their money. Typical.

Okay, are you feeling this? If tech rivalries were a sport, this would be the All-Star Game, baby! Kevin Hart out!