Easter Eggs

Zuckerberg vs Musk

Hannah Gadsby: "Easter Eggs"

City: Sydney
Comedy Club: The Comedy Store
Date: October 1, 2023
Topic: Easter Eggs
Joke: "The ultimate Easter egg in this fight would be if they both reveal they've been the same person all along. Plot twist!"

Humor in Code: Unraveling the Memetic DNA of the Movie

Hello there! Let's talk about this cinematic catastrophe "Zuckerberg vs Musk: Cage Fight." It's got all the ingredients for a disaster: tech billionaires playing fight club and an audience voting via emojis. And yet, it's oddly captivating. Kind of like when you can't look away from a poorly constructed IKEA bookshelf you know is going to collapse. But do you know what really caught my eye? The Easter eggs.

The Art of the Meme: Beyond the Punches

To really get into this film, you have to dive into the internet’s swampy marshlands. This movie is a treasure trove—or maybe it's more like a recycling bin—of internet culture. And trust me, it’s more than just Elon tweeting about Dogecoin or Zuck awkwardly sipping water like a lizard learning human behavior. According to Ross Lincoln from TheWrap, this was a conscious effort to bring internet culture to life. I guess they needed to fill in the plot holes somehow.

Web Culture in the Cage: It’s More Than a Fight

There's a moment when Musk avoids a hit, leaps into the air, and screams, "To the moon!" Clearly, a nod to his own social media antics. But you see, it's more than just a funny one-liner. It's a virtual fist bump to everyone who's been following these billionaires' Twitter feuds for years.

Don't Feed the Trolls—Or Do?

Then there’s Zuckerberg who, at one point, screams, "It’s complicated," just like his relationship status with the American legal system. Yes, they went there. It’s as if the internet's collective memory threw up on the script.

The Power of Shared Jokes: Memes and Community

It’s these little cultural breadcrumbs that make the film something more than just rich guys in a very expensive schoolyard scrap. It’s a celebration of a sort of community, one built around memes, viral videos, and yes, even those annoying challenges where people eat cinnamon or dance beside moving cars. These Easter eggs are essentially the internet’s contribution to folklore, like tales from an extremely caffeinated Brothers Grimm.

The Paradox of Meme Humor

Let's be clear, meme humor isn't like traditional joke-telling. It's more about recognition than it is about a clever setup and punchline. It’s like when someone says, "This is fine," and we all picture that cartoon dog in the burning room. If you get it, you're in the club. If you don't, well, congratulations, you probably have a life outside of Reddit.

To Meme or Not to Meme: Nafzger's Final Word

So, where does that leave us with "Zuckerberg vs Musk: Cage Fight"? It's a kaleidoscope of internet culture—colorful, confusing, and probably a bit nauseating if you stare at it too long. But if you know how to look, these Easter eggs offer a little treasure hunt within what is otherwise an extremely surreal fight night. It's the film's saving grace. Like finding out that IKEA bookshelf you thought was a disaster can actually hold a book without collapsing. Take it for what it is, an eccentric mosaic of our time online. Just don’t try to find a deeper meaning. You won't.


Alright, let's delve into the deep, rich tapestry of internet culture as only Hannah Gadsby could—by ripping it apart while making you chuckle. So let's pull back the curtain on the Easter Eggs of "Zuckerberg vs. Musk: Cage Fight."

Scene 1: "RickRoll in the Ring"

Description: Just as Zuckerberg is about to throw a punch, Musk hits a button and "Never Gonna Give You Up" starts playing. The crowd goes wild, because you just got RickRolled!

Scene 2: "DogeCoin Dodge"

Description: Musk tries to dodge punches while the audience sees DogeCoin memes flash on the jumbotron. Such dodge. Very wow.

Scene 3: "The Keyboard Cat Counter"

Description: After a particularly good set of moves, a keyboard cat video plays, scoring bonus points with the older Millennial audience.

Scene 4: "The Floss-Off"

Description: Musk and Zuckerberg have a dance-off, but the only move allowed is the Floss. The audience scores them based on technique and irony.

Scene 5: "The Pepe Plunge"

Description: During a crucial moment, a Pepe the Frog meme appears. Whichever fighter touches it first gains an extra life (figuratively, of course).

Scene 6: "The Area 51 Ambush"

Description: Suddenly, aliens invade the ring, and the fighters must decide whether to continue beating each other up or form an alliance. An obvious nod to the Area 51 meme raids.

Scene 7: "Harambe's Halo"

Description: A "Harambe was an Inside Job" banner is unveiled, causing a moment of solemn reflection and a lot of Twitter chatter.

Scene 8: "The Baby Yoda Bonus"

Description: A Baby Yoda gif appears, and both fighters have to imitate it. The most accurate imitation gains a substantial “Force” bonus.

Scene 9: "Planking and Punching"

Description: Mid-fight, the fighters have to plank for 30 seconds while dodging low blows. An homage to the plank meme from a bygone era.

Scene 10: "The Great Meme Showdown"

Description: Both fighters must quickly create their own meme using meme templates provided on a tablet. The best meme, as judged by live polling, wins the match.

So there you have it. Easter Eggs that are so nostalgic, you'll be Googling "What happened to the kid who bit his brother's finger?" Nostalgia, internet culture, and a good dose of irony—that's what this fight is all about.