Jack Black & The Rock

#ElonSmash #BringTheThunder

Scene: Hollywood Gym Banter

Location: A Hollywood gym bustling with activity. The atmosphere is lively, with celebrities working out and engaging in friendly banter. Dwayne Johnson and Jack Black are spotted chatting near a set of weights.

Dwayne Johnson: (Playfully flexing) Hey, Jack! You won't believe what I just saw – Elon bench pressing a Tesla. No doubt he's got this cage fight in the bag! #ElonSmash #BringTheThunder

Jack Black: (Grinning) Whoa, a Tesla bench press? That's some next-level strength! But let's not forget about Zuckerberg. He's got the ultimate 'School of Rock' coding skills! Those moves might be his secret weapon.

Dwayne Johnson: (Chuckling) Jack, my man, you're bringing music into a cage fight debate?

Jack Black: (Nudging Dwayne) Oh, you know me – I find a way to rock 'n' roll in any conversation. But seriously, Dwayne, it's not just about muscles; it's about mind power too. Zuckerberg's like the maestro of data symphonies!

Dwayne Johnson: (Flexing his biceps) No doubt, Zuck's got some serious mental muscles. But can those algorithms stand up to Musk's rocket-powered determination? Elon's not just a tech mogul; he's got warrior spirit!

Jack Black: (Pretending to flex) I'm no 'Iron Man,' but I've got my instincts. Zuckerberg's got that stealthy coding style. It's like watching a ninja in action. Whoosh – code cut, and victory!

Dwayne Johnson: (Smirking) Code ninja, huh? But can he handle Musk's 'Rock'-solid resilience? Elon's been tackling space challenges; a cage fight is just another galaxy to conquer!

Jack Black: (Grinning) Well, if Elon brings some guitar solos into the cage, then we're in for a real showdown! But seriously, Dwayne, it's all in good fun. Both these tech titans are forces to be reckoned with.

Dwayne Johnson: (Clapping Jack on the back) You're right, Jack. It's a clash of worlds, and we're all here for the entertainment. But between 'ElonSmash' and 'CodeCut,' the arena's gonna light up!

Jack Black: (Striking a mock pose) And when it does, let's hope there's a killer soundtrack to match!

The two share a hearty laugh as they continue their playful banter amidst the sounds of weights clanking and music playing in the background.