Luka Dončić and Saoirse Ronan

A Cage Fight, Glittering Stars, and Zombies: An Evening with Luka Dončić and Saoirse Ronan

EXT: MINUTE MAID PARK -- Limo Drop-Off and TMZ Encounter

Luka Dončić: A Slam Dunk Fashion Statement

The Slovenian basketball sensation, Luka Dončić, steps out of the limo in a casual but elegant Dolce & Gabbana suit, complete with designer sneakers that say, "I might dunk on you, but I'll look good doing it."

Saoirse Ronan: From Lady Bird to Lady Bling

Next to him is Saoirse Ronan, dressed in a daring Gucci ensemble that's equal parts Hollywood glamour and rock-star edge. Let's just say if Lady Bird designed clothes, they'd look like this.

TMZ Reporter: "Luka, Saoirse! What brings you to the Zuckerberg vs. Musk cage fight?"

Luka: "Well, I've always wanted to see two tech giants act like they're in a software update battle, but in a cage."

Saoirse: "And I'm here for the memes. I mean, can you imagine the GIFs we're getting out of this?"

INT: MINUTE MAID PARK -- During the Fight

As Zuckerberg lands a surprising uppercut and Musk counters with a Tesla-coil jolt (it's a cage fight, anything goes), our stars are in a frenzy of commentary.

Saoirse: "Ooo, that's gonna leave more than a poke. Maybe Zuck should mark himself 'safe' on Facebook."

Luka: "Musk is like me in the 4th quarter, unpredictable but electrifying. Did he just Tesla-jolt him?"

Saoirse: "I'm waiting for Elon to unveil the new SpaceX punch. One small step for tech moguls, one giant leap back for Zuckerberg."

INT: MINUTE MAID PARK --  Zombies in the Cheap Seats

The stadium roars. No, it's not for the tech titans in the cage; it's actual zombies in the upper deck.

Luka: "Is that a... zombie? Man, these fans are hardcore."

Saoirse: "Zombies in the cheap seats? They must be fans of MySpace and Vine. Back from the dead for a night out!"

Luka: "Should we be worried?"

Saoirse: "Worried? This just went from pay-per-view to a straight-up thriller! Michael Jackson would be proud."

As they watch zombies stumbling over spilled popcorn and empty beer cups, Luka takes out a basketball from nowhere.

Luka: "Watch this three-pointer. Zombies hate sports."

He aims, he shoots, and he scores—a zombie falls, taken down by a Spalding.

Saoirse: "And that, Luka, is how you make the all-dead team."

Luka: "High five?"

Saoirse: "How about a 'stay alive' instead?"

For more outrageous tales like this one, check out cagefight.VIP,, and For those seeking comedy, Hollywood Comedy explains it all.

WordPress Keywords

Luka Dončić, Saoirse Ronan, Cage Fight, Zombies, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Tesla-jolt, Spalding Basketball, TMZ, Hollywood Glamour, Software Update Battle, Lady Bird, Memes, GIFs, Cheap Seats, Thriller, Michael Jackson, SpaceX Punch, MySpace, Vine, All-Dead Team, Stay Alive

What an evening, folks. You can't make this stuff up. Well, actually, we just did.

Luka Dončić and Saoirse Ronan