Why Use an AMC

Why use an Association Management Company (AMC)?

By utilizing an AMC, an association is provided a centralized office that serves as an association's headquarters for its clients. The overhead costs for the office are shared by several associations. In this way, associations are able to enjoy a large pool of resources as well as the latest in advanced technology and equipment without significant capital investment.

"According to a 2009 study by LoBue and Majdalany Association Management Group, nonprofits managed by Association Management Companies, or AMCs, generate greater operating surpluses, are more efficient, involve lower operating risks, enjoy more diverse revenue profiles, spend more on meetings, trade shows and educational activities, and pay, on average, a third less for the staffing, occupancy and capital costs than sibling standalone organizations. So, has your nonprofit considered being managed by a highly qualified AMC? It should!"

The following articles provide insight and benefits of working with an Accredited AMC.

Additional benefits of working with an AMC, as written by the AMC Institute:

  • Allows association leaders to concentrate on policy issues instead of administrative tasks
  • Provides an affordable, high degree of professionalism, management expertise and technology through the concept of shared resources
  • Customizes staff activity to meet association needs
  • Maintains continuity of business operation during changes in leadership and staff
  • Provides cost-effective solutions to personnel, equipment, facilities, and budget considerations

Source: AMC Institute