Sem Kluiver

Hi, my name is Sem Kluiver. I'm a 7th year student (4 years bachelor, 3rd year master's) of Computer Science, now specializing in AI. I've walked off the 'standard' Computer Science track sometime before, considering my 4th year of my bachelor's was a minor in Game Studies & Cultural Anaylsis. In my Master's, I've also followed the Computational Creativity and Video Games for Research courses, which really interested me. That's why I'm also here! I always like to broaden my knowledge on multiple fields, because honestly, I'm way too interested in way too much...! I'm currently doing my Master's Thesis in the form of an internship on Natural Language Processing, specifically in the Information Retrieval field.

As for my hobbies, I love movies/cinema, music (both playing the piano as well as listening to songs and going to concerts), photography, cooking, tinkering, tweaking, building stuff and diy. Sometimes I'll micromanage my days, which may turn out either absolutely perfect, or quite terribly with me running late everywhere.