Re: Mirror, mirror on the wall

Self-identity is a complex and intriguing aspect of human existence. Our personality, beliefs, values, and life experiences are all included in it, and it also affects how we interact with the outside world. Because it projects a reflection of who we are for others to see, the mirror is a fascinating object in the context of self-identity. But what if we are not exactly who we see in the mirror? As shown by Mario Klingemann's Uncanny Mirror, this raises concerns about our sense of self and identity. People who interact with the mirror feel uncomfortable, which causes them to doubt their sense of self and wonder if the artificial being projected in the mirror is a reflection of themselves.

Maybe, instead of using a mirror, some form of a mechanical artificial creature mimicking or mirroring a human. It would be interesting to focus on a single human trait rather than creating a robot that resembles a human. For instance, a machine that only mirrors our expressions or body language could challenge our self-awareness and reveal aspects of our identity that we may not be aware of.