Re: I am not your fearless leader

Leadership in robots is a very interesting topic. It's a bit of a scary idea to me, to make robots that lead teams of people, or being a bove humans in a hierarchy. 

I agree with the idea that robots can be a lot better at tasks than humans, and they can therefore maybe perform better in certain leadership roles. But at the same time it feels a bit like the Terminator if it would come to life. Having robots above humans in a hierarchy is an uncomfortable idea, but maybe it could lead to a better performing team. 

One could think of a robot installation that is able to give tasks to the humans around him, and maybe react if they do or don't complete them in a certain amount of time. The task could be rather simple, like having the people place a block in a certain place. And when they do it the robot praises them, and when they don't do it in time, the robot scolds them.