Light creates Life

There are many examples where cultures and mythology were influenced by light.

In Greek mythology you have the god Apollo, which is the god of the sun and light.

In Egyptian mythology you have the sun god Ra, which is said to have created all life.

Norse mythology has the god Sól, which literally translates to sun.

Many native Americans tribes believed that the sun was a powerful spirit that brings warmth and light to the earth.

And of course in Christanity, when God is creating earth on the first day he said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

There are many more examples like this, but the overall consensus in history is that the sun is responsible for all life on earth by giving warmth and light. We wanted to recreate this experience in our artificial creature. What if you are able to be the being that is bringing light and warmth in the world? And what if you are able to see the direct impact from your action and see life being created? That is the goal of our creature.

No light being shone on the flowerpot

No light being shined on the flower pot

Light being shined on the flower pot.

In this video you can see a working example of our artificial creature during the demo. When light shines on the creature, an artificial flower will start to grow. It will emerge from a flower pot, and grace the viewer with a smile, happy because of the light the viewer has brought upon the creature.


The general response we got of our creature is that it made people very happy. Most people laughed and didn't except a happy little flower to come up when you shine a light with your phone. Almost everyone tried shining the light a second time to see the flower come back.