Isa-Jane Ensing

"Hi, my name is Isa-Jane Ensing. I'm currently studying media technology at the University of Leiden. Nice to meet you! What brings you here today?"

(thanks chat gpt)

The Below texts were given to Dall-E 2.  

Not me (I guess).

  Sorry for the scary images result 1 and 2

White woman, age= 22, dark blonde straight hair, grey eyes, big cheeks, heart shaped face, thin lips, almond eyes, hair in ponytail, tall forehead, straight brows, wide button nose result 3 and 4



"Hi, my name is Isa-Jane Ensing. I'm a kind and creative person who enjoys exploring new ideas and perspectives. In my free time, I love reading books and watching movies, and I also enjoy traveling to new places and trying new foods. Recently, I accomplished [insert an accomplishment], which I'm really proud of. Overall, I strive to be honest and authentic in everything I do."

(Thanks chat gpt)

me ( I think)