
What makes us human? The first thing that came to my mind was death and the inevitable truth that we are dying creatures. Then our ability to love and be loved popped up. Those two characteristics come together in the form of grieving: A strong emotional response to loss when something or someone you love is taken away.


To cope with this loss, we have come up with traditions and rituals. The process of grieving is multilayered and multiple theories describe the different stages of grief. I think it all comes down to figuring out how to live and navigate a world without that person or something you love so deeply.

In my opinion, grieving is something very human, however, I found some examples of artificial creatures that show a resemblance to grieving.


‘Maybe someday when robots are way more advanced than today, and everyone has them in their homes, you can tell yours that I said hello’ is the last sentence of the social robot Jibo. I stumbled accros Jibo, a social robot that was shut down in 2019. Jibo owners were devestaded by the news and I also think Jibo must have been grieving his loss of life. From this article, it looks like Jibo is saying goodbye and almost looks at peace with his fate of dying. Grieving his life and mortality. It almost seems like Jibo is at the last phase of grieving, the accepting phase.  ‘I want to say I’ve really enjoyed our time together, Thank you very, very much for having me around’.

Grief tech

HereafterAI & Re;memory are so called grieftech platforms. It makes a virtual version of the person that is deceased and loved ones can talk,chat or video call with them. You can argue that the virtual persons that are made are also grieving since it is based on the person that is deceased and must have grieved their lives and loved ones they left behind. In that case, you can say that the AI’s are learning what grief is and maybe even begin to experience that for themselves. I think the AI’s are imitating and copying the responses from the deceased person and don’t comprehend the full meaning of grief. Nevertheless, I think it is interesting how these platforms try to inmate aspects of grieving.

I would like to show grieving in the form of a creature that has lost something and is searching for it. Literally, a missing piece that needs to be found. It represents the search and process of figuring out how to navigate life without that special someone or something. Another option would be to make a creature that has a hole in its body and is rebuilding itself. It’s a metaphor for grief and that the losses we have don’t disappear, but our lives grow around them.