Using stenches for good

For this week's assignment, I let myself be inspired by the blog post of Vinnayakk Bangarwaa. He included an unexpected sense in his artificial creature proposal; smell. I found this interesting since scent is an unusual ability for robots, who are typically more focused on visuals and audio. Giving off odors and being able to smell is in my opinion a prime example of an animal feature, so incorporating this in machines pleasantly surprised me and shook up my perspective a little bit. He mentioned how "for animals, pheromones serve a crucial role in communication and interaction in their Umwelts." So, since humans unfortunately can't directly communicate with animals through language, we could perhaps use smells to express ourselves.

Researchers in South Africa's Greater Kruger National Park discovered that African bush elephants (Loxodonta africana) steer clear of angry honeybees.¹ Honeybees release chemical substances called pheromones when they sense a threat. For the bees, these natural alarm signals tell their buddies to come help and act defensively (i.e. sting). Humans seem to lack pheromone receptors, so it's likely that they can't detect such chemical cues, but elephants can. The scientists realized that if elephants could sense the alarm pheromones from honeybees, they'd likely keep their distance from that area.²  Now people have already taken this discovery and used it for their personal interest. They are using the bee smells as a repellent to keep the elephants out of human-populated areas.³ 

However, I think this discovery can become beneficial for the elephants themselves. These animals are one of the most majestic creatures on earth but also one of the most endangered. Poaching remains a significant threat to their survival, as ivory is still highly sought after on the black market.  It is hard to protect this endangered species, because it is extremely dangerous for humans to physically get involved. I am thinking of a solution to this problem that involves using bee repellant in drones to keep elephants away from poachers. The pheromones in the substance are natural and non-chemical, and it is harmless to both humans and elephants. 

My idea of an artificial creature is based on smells. It lives with the wild elephants in the savannah and has a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship with them. I envision it as a non-threatening-looking compact drone with mostly round features. It is able to fly in order to move around the elephants quickly.  It will release its scent, as soon as the creature notices a human nearby. This will peacefully direct the animals in another direction, and thereby towards their safety.