
Assignment 1

Read the final project assignment below - we are going to try this out 'on paper'. So pick a specific element of creatureness, find one or more examples of artificial creatures that express, illustrate or question this dimension. and then imagine a creature of your own. When thinking of an interesting element, don't think of artificial creatures or bots, but think about things that make us human (/animals). You will find that the more interesting qualities are those that you may not associate with bots at all, and on the flip side, no matter how 'human' or exotic the quality is , you will always find examples of related bots.

Write a short blog post with visuals (or other non textual media) using all these elements.  The goal of the blog is to tell a story about the quality through the creatures, i.o.w. use the creatures as thought provoking examples - what may we actually learn from these bots, or what do these bots tell us about the quality. 

Note there is no expectation whatsoever that it overlaps with what you will build for your final assignment - actually it will be more interesting that that will be different.

Create a subpage under your name for the assignment, with an interesting title (don't call it 'assignment 1'). Use the page with your name to provide some short bio with info on who you are, what inspires or interests you, a link to a portfolio site if you have any etc.

Assignment 2

This assignment builds on the previous one. Pick one of your fellow student assignment 1 blogs  that inspired you most. Write a short review/blog/reflection why. Ofcourse you can have a different point of view than your fellow student, so you can expand/compare/contrast. Then come up with an idea with a hypothetical work that would be linked to this specific dimension of creatureness and provide a succinct description. Your open to choose the form of this description - it can be an imagined text from an exhibition catalogue, more of a description of what the experience would be, a visual or other 'paper prototype', provide optional details on the how, and what we could learn from the work.

Final project

Assignment: Pick one interesting quality of creatureness (and one quality only), and construct a creature that maximizes the immediate experience of this quality with minimal technical means possible.  Optionally, this focused experience also provides further food for thought about that quality. 

If you break down this definition word by word (reread the above closely) you can see that for a good works you need to take the following into account:

You can work in groups of  up to 3 students.

Documentation requirements

So get inspired by the examples from the Lectures, previous editions (2021, 2022) or places like Bots Like You, Cybernetic Zoo and NMNT (predecessor course not specific to Artificial Creatures, 2020, previous years), pick a  quality that interests you most, research it from a human angle first, then perhaps by looking at related works from scientists and artists, find your specific focus, and then determine your concept.  

We will showcase the projects in an informal mini exhibition set up. It is important to host the works properly and continuously. Hosting is an art in itself (and also included in the overall evaluation). Let the visitors experience the work first, and then open up a discussion, for example by asking questions.