Braiding in a Flash?



Can an 8 hour problem be solved in 1?

When thinking of something that makes us humans, I thought about grooming. I specifically thought about the culture around hair and how we maintain it. 

When I think of my own hair, I think about how long it takes to detangle my super frizzy hair and how long braiding styles can take. Although getting your hair done can be therapeutic (and even communal depending on where you get it done and with whom), it can still be quite time consuming. It can also be quite challenging for people to do their own hair depending on the costs or the motor skills of the person (if they wish to do their own hair)

A robotic solution to doing your hair seems like the ideal solution to all of this. You would have a reliable hair stylist who is accessible at all times. My concerns are whether a hairstyling tool would be able to produce aesthetically pleasing and neat results, whether it would handle your hair and scalp gently and what the intial cost of getting this tool would be. 

What range of hairstyles would it be able to perform and would these hairstyles (i.e., braids) last? I have also seen that most of the examples used are with braiding straight hair without the use of extension so I wonder if it would be possible for a tool to apply the extension and braid it with the hair in a convincing way.