Self Identity

I got intrigued by the blog post of Adhivira about self-identity. I agree with his definition of self-identity and that it is an understanding of ourselves based on our beliefs, values, and life experiences.  On top of that, I also think that our self-identity our self-identity is hugely influenced by our relationships with others such as our family, friends, colleagues, culture, and nationality. And that a specific ‘group membership’ can shape our sense of identity.

I really liked his idea of executing self-identity in a concept of a mirror and that the robot represents the distorted reflection of the human. Also liked the reference to Gordon G. Gallup and the mirror test and that our self-identity is tied with our self-awareness.


I came across this robot AI-DA named after Ada Lovelace the first female scientist and mathematician. AI-Da creates self-portraits confronting visitors with the question of what self-identity is and how a creature like a robot creates self-portraits even though we are not sure they are self-aware or have an identity.

 With AI-DA in mind, I think it would be really cool to create a creature to make a self-portrait or take a selfie with a mobile phone. The behaviour of making a painting or creating a picture of themselves shows self-awareness and self-identity.