Herd Mentality


I would like to expand Max’s thoughts on collectiveness in his blog “Herd Mentality”. I would say that collectiveness can emerge in the face of a common adversary. When people face similar struggles, they often find it easier to bond with each other. Sharing experiences and emotions related to a common effort can create a sense of empathy, understanding, and connection. One of the artificial creatures that translate well to this human quality of collectiveness is Kachi Chan's work, Sisyphus,

Sisyphus is an artistic creation that showcases two robots engaged in a repetitive cycle of building and destruction. One set of smaller robots constructs brick arches, which are continuously destroyed by a larger robot. Through the interaction of the two robots, the installation explores the theme of repetition. Despite the discrepancy in size between the robots, the small robots continue to build new arches after each one is destroyed, representing collective resistance through individual actions.

Sisyphus, by Kachi Chan - https://vimeo.com/719825068